by Tally Callahan 0
HyperX goes back to their PC roots with the Cloud Alpha S

HyperX Cloud Alpha S Gaming Headset Review

HyperX continues to evolve its headset line-up with its recently released gaming headset, the Cloud Alpha S. After having reviewed six other audio/microphone devices in the HyperX arsenal (the Cloud Stinger, the Cloud Revolver S, the Cloud Flight Wireless, the Cloud Stinger Wireless, the Cloud MIX Wired, and the Cloud Earbuds), I was delighted to f...

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Check out the new launch trailer for a taste of its techno-military action.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Is Out Tomorrow

Tom Clancy's latest fever dream is nearly upon us.  I can already feel it subsuming my own reality - spreadsheets are starting to display UAV data, pavement-laden interstates are becoming intertwined with mountaintop backroads, and my coworkers' clothing is being replaced with "tactical" vests.  Since we're already quite far along the path, we may as well usher in the arrival of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint with its new launch trailer. 

by Jason Love 0
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More loot for your shoot

Celebrate 10 Years of Borderlands With Special In-Game Events in Borderlands 3

It's hard to believe, but the original Borderlands launched 10 years ago on October 20, 2009. To celebrate that occasion, Gearbox is kicking off a series of limited time in-game events within the latest entry in the series, Borderlands 3. Right now, if you hop in and go after a few specific bosses, you'll have an increased chance to nab some legendary loot.

by Jason Love 0
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Still weird this wasn't built in at launch

You Can Now Play With Friends Online in Super Mario Maker 2

Update 1.1.0 is now available for Super Mario Maker 2 and it features some much needed co-op improvements. First, you can now play courses online with friends rather than a group of strangers. You can also now choose what courses to play, either a random selection from the "Course World," courses you have created, or courses you have downloaded from "Course World." Finally, four player couch co-op can be launched directly on any course in the "Course World" without having to download the course first.

by Jason Love 0
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Hold on to yer butts!

Destiny 2: New Light and Shadowkeep Launch Today

The day some of us have been waiting for has finally arrived: "Shadowkeep," the newest expansion to Destiny 2, has arrived. It also brings with it the free-to-play version of the game, dubbed Destiny 2: New Light, so you and your buddies can team up for some fun regardless of who's bought or played what. However, the division of what's included in each of these things can be a bit confusing, so we've attempted to break it all down below. Fair warning: it's a long read.

by Jason Love 0
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There's some free content, too

Marvel Knights DLC Is Available for Ultimate Alliance 3

"Marvel Knights: Curse of the Vampire," the first DLC pack for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, arrived yesterday. While parts of the DLC, such as the four new characters (Blade, Morbius, Moon Knight, and Punisher), are only available if you've purchased the $20 Expansion Pass, some things are available to all players regardless. Let's break it down.

by Jason Love 0
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Not what I was expecting

Mortal Kombat 11 Will Get Co-Op Team Raids in Next Patch

NetherRealm Studios has revealed their bringing some co-op to Mortal Kombat 11, the latest entry in the long-running fighting series. The new mode, called "Team Raids," will pit three online players against one challenging opponent. While you will all be fighting the same opponent at the same time and all be doing damage to its health to bring it down, you'll be doing it in your own "fight line" so it'll look like a standard 1v1 match. Confused? Yeah, probably better to see it in action.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Get Spoopy In The “Bloody Harvest”

Borderlands 3 Gets Halloween Themed Content

If you’ve been spending time in Borderlands 3 with your friends (like we have) and you’re wondering what to do next in the world of looting and shooting, you’re in luck. Developer Gearbox has announced the Bloody Harvest content for Borderlands 3 to celebrate Halloween and give all players some spooky goodies, with the only limiting factor (per the announcement post) being “Vault Hunters who have departed Pandora for the first time and started exploring the far reaches of space aboard Sanctuary III...”

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Paid Content To Be Added To “ScareScraper” and “ScreamPark” Modes

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Will Have Paid DLC

If you have been waiting for Luigi’s Mansion 3 October 31st, 2019 release date to come around, you may, like the rest of us, have been expecting Nintendo to announce any and all updates they could. However, Nintendo instead decided to keep in line with the game’s themes and be as quiet as a ghost as they placed a subtle announcement that there will be paid DLC that will add “new content” for the  ScareScraper and ScreamPark modes after launch. This announcement was placed on their website without any word via an official press release, Nintendo Direct, or even so much as a text message - talk about being “ghosted”.

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