by Marc Allie 2
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Castle Crashers Connections... erm, Crashing?

Today is the day for the long awaited Castle Crashers for XBLA.  I know Co-Optimus' own Broodax has been especially looking forward to this game, as have many of our readers.  It seems the launch hasn't been flawless, though.  Many eager co-op gamers have been unable to connect online.  Xbox360Fanboy has a poll up which as of the time of this writing, shows that about 15% of voters had some connectivity issues while playing the game over Live.  Is it possible that the game is so good, too many people are trying to connect at once and the interwebs broke in half?  How about you, Co-Optimus readers?  Anyone here had issues trying to play the game with a friend? 

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 0
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Ten Things About Fable II

Fable II is a game with a lot to live up to. It's predecessor, Fable, was a solid game; however  it never lead up to the massive hype by its mastermind Peter Molyneux.  From over hyped features to features that never made the game, it was disappointing to some. 

by Nick Puleo 10
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Too Human Co-Op Review

And so finally we come to this.  Our review of Too Human's co-op mode.  Can it live up to the hype?  Can it overcome the disappointment of losing 4-player co-op?  And the big question - is it fun?

by Marc Allie 16

Return of the "Choose Your Own Co-Op Classic"!

This past June, we ran our first Choose Your Own Co-Op Classic event.  Co-Optimus readers were presented with three classic co-op games to choose from, and the game with the most votes was featured in Co-Op Classics that week.  The previous contenders were Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Contra, and Bubble Bobble.  It came as no surprise that the NES masterpiece, Contra, won the contest and got it's very own Co-Op Classics feature.  T2: Judgment Day followed, though quite a bit later.  Bubble Bobble hasn't been featured (yet) at all.  This week, three new classics enter the fray, and we'll do it all again!

by Nick Puleo 3
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Spartans Play Together in Halo Wars Box Art

Feast your eyes upon the recently revealed box art for the 2 player co-op RTS game set in the Halo Universe - Halo Wars!  While we still don't know too much on the details of the co-op I do know that there will be at least co-op skirmishes.  As for a co-op campaign, something that's been the staple of a Halo game since Halo 1 - that is yet to be seen.  We are keeping our hopes high and our ears to the ground. 

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox 360

PAX 2008: The Gears Guide

The Penny-Arcade Expo starts this Friday and we'll be there to cover it bringing you all the latest co-op game impressions from the show floor.  The folks over at Epic Games have unleashed the schedule on the latest Gears of War title that will be on display at PAX.  The goods?  Gears lead writer, Joshua Ortega and the game's Senior Artist, Pete Hayes will be on hand to sign whatever you want them to sign...ANYTHING. 

by Marc Allie 0

The Wait 4 Left 4 Dead Will Really Seem Like 4Ever

As if the wait for Left 4 Dead's previously announced November 4 street date didn't seem long enough, now there's even more bad news.  Kotaku reports that Valve's Gabe Newell declared the game's release has been pushed back to November 20.  We're unsure of the reason for the delay.  Hmm.  November 4th is Election Day, and the 20th is one week before Thanksgiving.  Both of these dates involve turkeys!  (Insert rim shot here.)  You heard it here first, folks.  It's a conspiracy by feathered and unfeathered turkeys alike to deprive us of our much anticipated co-op zombie slaying action!

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