by Nick Puleo 6

Co-Op Couples Part 2: Introducing Gaming Into Your Relationship

Welcome to our second part of our introduction to our Co-Op Couples series we are beginning here on  In the first part we looked at breaking down traditional barriers and overcoming any personal shortcomings that may happen.  Next we look at a few or our reader's examples of how they got their significant other involved in their gaming habits.  Above and beyond that, we look at how they began to play co-op games together.

by Marc Allie 11

Co-Op Classics: Golden Axe

The game up for discussion today is the very definition of a co-op classic.  Two players can play together, working toward a common goal.  In this case, that goal is whacking bad guys on your way to putting the smack down on the big boss, Death Adder.  The game is an absolute classic, as well; it spawned several sequels, and its influence can be seen even in upcoming games like Sacred 2 and Diablo 3.  In honor of the Olympics, then, I bestow a gold medal on the undisputed Co-Op Classic: Golden Axe.

by Marc Allie 0
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New House of the Dead Title Ambling Slowly To Wii

Resident Evil 5Left 4 Dead.  Dead Rising.  Bikini Zombie Slayers.  Even Diablo III features zombies.  I can't think of a time when the genre has been more popular.  Yet another new zombie title is coming soon, this time headed for the Wii, home of a remake of the arcade shooters House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return .  This time, though, it's not a lightgun style game, but a more action-oriented one: House of the Dead: Overkill.  Siliconera has a few details about the title.  Wagging around the remote will be featured, letting players pistol whip zombies.  Sounds like fun to me!  The protagonists of the game will have interesting abilities, like slowing down time, Matrix-style, and the Evil Eye, which sounds awesome but really just lets you see destructible parts of the environment.  A sweet, campy trailer and a couple more screenshots are also available for your viewing enjoyment.  Few details about the co-op have been revealed, though it seems likely that two zombie slayers will be able to play together.  The pistol whipping will commence when the game is released in "half a year".

by Nick Puleo 0

1942: Joint Strike Low Score Contest

According to 1UP Capcom has a new contest for one of their recent co-op arcade titles, 1942: Joint Strike.  The premise of the contest is simple, score the lowest score possible in the game to win.  Ah, but not quite.  To win the first prize, players must video themselves playing through the entire game with the lowest score. For the second or third place prizes you'll have to snag the lowest scores only on the second mission.

by Marc Allie 2

Sacred 2 Trailer Features Co-Op, Booty Shaking

A nice little video for Sacred 2 has been released over at  In a move perhaps inspired by the USA Women's Beach Volleyball team's success and popularity, it features quite a bit of interesting costume choices and close ups of a shapely derriere.  In case that isn't enough for you, there's also a lot of co-op gameplay to watch, as well.  The mounts look particularly cool; I totally want a dewback looking lizard to ride around on.  And yes, soon after the gratuitous butt shot, the word "mount" pops up.  In true Beavis and Butthead fashion, I laughed out loud.  (They said mount!  huh huh huh... )  It just occurred to me that this news article will almost certainly offend the "casual couples" crowd we are looking to add, or at least half of them.  I promise we're normally not like this!  Anyhoo, we've got the video for you after the break.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 0
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Keeping the Fear Factor in Resident Evil 5

Games Conference in Leipzig has been eventful for the world of co-op. We've shown you some cool Diablo III screens, as well as some info about Resident Evil 5. We've shown you guys some pretty killer videos that make Resident Evil 5 look like a safe bet for co-op fans. Well, I'm happy to bring more news about Resident Evil 5. However, be warned, this news post doesn't come with a bunch of great vids. Sorry folks. However, 1up has posted some info that might be just as important as some cool vids. The article is mainly about how co-op will affect the fear factor in Resident Evil 5. The article quotes RE5 producer Masachika Kawata is saying:

by Nick Puleo 4
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Mercenaries 2 Co-Op Trailer is Explosively Awesome

The folks at EA have just released a brand new Co-Op Trailer for the upcoming Mercenaries 2 game on the Xbox 360, Windows and PlayStation 3.  The trailer really focuses on all the aspects of co-op play and how there's seemlessly endless possibilities.  The entire single player campaign can be played co-op and it's true drop-in/drop-out support.  At any time you can simply invite a buddy in and away you go off to destruction.

by Jim McLaughlin 9

Co-Op Couples Part 1: How to Cope with Loss

Today we begin to kick off a new Weekly Column here on Co-Optimus which focuses on co-op games and the co-op couple.  Co-Op Couples play games together as a team.   These folks have broken down stereotypical barriers and enjoy playing co-op games together.  I think you'll see any genre of game will do from Action to RPG and Shooter to Sports.  And while we focus on traditional co-op games, I think you'll find that some of our featured couples actually have found inventive ways to play Single Players games together. Our first article is a bit of an intro article - and it's mainly written for the men of the household.  It's titled "How to Cope with a Loss."

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 5
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This Week in Co-Op: Alien Hominid

August has been a month of casual or arcade games for me. I've either been busy or sick, so they fill a nice niche for me. So, the approach of Castle Crashers has me excited, and since it's still a week from release, I had to satisfy my arcade game craving. Thankfully, The Behemoth (the Castle Crashers dev team) already had it covered. After all, they have made another XBLA game, and it features co-op. The game I'm speaking about is Alien Hominid HD.

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