by Nick Puleo 4
  • xbox live arcade

Geometry Wars 2 Gameplay Videos

In case you haven't heard Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 is hitting the Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday for 800 Microsoft points.   The new game will feature 4 player local co-op for some truly frantic action (see above).  GameVideos has three new videos of the co-op action and if this doesn't give you a seizure or get you excited...well nothing will.  Hit the jump for the videos of Evolved, Deadline and Waves mode all in co-op.

by Marc Allie 0

Co-Op Classics: Justice League Heroes

Super-hero mania is here!  Last weekend, The Dark Knight hit theaters, and broke all sorts of records.  The annual celebration of all things comic book, the San Diego Comic Con, started yesterday, and geeks everywhere rejoiced.  Just last night, Co-Optimus hosted a co-op night on Xbox Live, choosing the much-loved action RPG Marvel: Ultimate Alliance as the game for the week.  It is only fitting then, that we look at a cape-based game from the previous generation for this week's Co-Op Classics:  Justice League Heroes.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 0
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Preview and Video

Ah, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, I loved thee well. Mixing hack-and-slash with superheroes and 4 player co-op was a brilliant idea. Yes, there was a good deal of grinding for powerups and costumes, but where else can you have a team of Iron Man, Blade, Deadpool, and Wolverine? So, it comes as no surprise that the Co-Optimus crew was pleased to find out there will be a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. We've covered the game in the past, and it sounds like more of the same, in a good way. However, recent details have come to light via 1up. The game is now called Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion. You might have heard that the "fusion" part of the game concerns combining superpowers for a cool combo attack. Hit the preview from 1up to discover more info about the game, including more on the "fusion" part of the game. And to make things better, 1up's sister site Gamevideos has a preview video. Oh, and don't worry about any platform feeling left out: the game will come out for most all platforms (Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, PS2, PSP, DS).

by Marc Allie 7
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Left 4 Dead Interview Showcases New Look, Weapons

Maximum PC recently had an interview with the designer of Left 4 Dead, Michael Booth, about the upcoming zombie killing game.  There's a lot of information in the interview, detailing how the scaling AI works, the new look of the graphics, and much more.  A few details about the "boss" zombies are given as well, and they are all awesome.  Zombies with tongue weapons or who puke on you in particular sound like winners.  A couple tidbits about weapons in the game are dropped, as well, including this interesting quote.

by Marc Allie 7
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This May or May Not Be the GH:Word Tour Set List

A rumored list that claims to be the full set list for Guitar Hero: World Tour has been floating around the internet.  There is no official word from Activision as of yet, so you may want to drag out that jumbo sized salt shaker before reading.  If the list is indeed true, there will be some good times to be had, for sure.  (Beat It, Toxicity, Every Breath You Take, and CRAZY TRAIN!!)  However, something about the list seems off to me, personally.   There are several songs that make you go "Huh?" (Why put a ballad like "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" in this game, not Guitar Hero: Aerosmith?)  Either way, we feel you'll find the list interesting, to say the least.  Check it out after the break.  Do you prefer this list, or Rock Band 2's?  Let us know!

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox live arcade
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Slaugh...err...Herd Animals with a Friend in Flock

One of the games that sort of went under the radar at E3 was a little title from Capcom called Flock.  The games developers have a resume that include such titles as Lemmings and Crackdown, and in a sort of twisted way share some characteristics of both games.  The basic gameplay is much like a Lemmings game, use your UFO to guide sheep, pigs, and cows through a maze like obstacial course to the Mother Flocker (that's your big herding ship).  Flock promises to have plenty of physics based puzzles as well as a 2-player co-op mode.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 8
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This Week In Co-Op: Halo

I've always had a sweet spot for classic and/or older co-op games. Maybe it's because it takes me back to my childhood, or maybe I just like games to be simple sometimes. I've mainly covered newer games in this column, and recently covered an older one. So I decided to meet somewhere in the middle with my current co-op game of the week: Halo.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 7
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Co-Op Watchmen Game Info

Many of you probably don't know about Watchmen, the sublime (limited) comic book series. However, to summarize, it's very good and was the only comic book to ever win the Hugo award (for excellence in sci-fi writing). Oh and it takes place in an alternate reality where Nixon is president forever and we won Vietnam. I hadn't even heard of Watchmen until I saw the epic trailer for the upcoming movie version of it when I went to see The Dark Knight. However, after seeing the trailer I was excited about the movie. I was made even more excited when I discovered (via MTV) that there will be a downloadable, episodic Watchmen game debuting alongside the movie. The game will have split-screen co-op, featuring the heroes Nite Owl and Rorschach. The game  is also a prequel to the series, taking place in the 1970s. Little more is known about the game, but it will feature up to 20 enemies on screen and is apparently a rather pretty game. The game will come out with the movie in 2009. Any Watchmen fans out there?

by Nick Puleo 4
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Upcoming Aliens Game Penned by Battlestar Galactica Writers

What do Aliens, Co-Op, and Battle Star Galactica all have in common?  Well in some way or another they are all involved with the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines title from Gearbox Software.   According to a Shacknews interview with Gearbox head honcho Randy Pitchford, the game's story has been written by two veteran BSG writers.   Both Bradley Thompson and David Weddle helped write the story, so much story in fact, that they could make an "entire TV season" out of it...ironic I know.  So how did Gearbox manage to snag these fine folks away from the awesomeness that is Battlestar Galactica?  Two words: writers strike. 

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