by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 4
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This Week in Co-Op: Rock Band

Rock Band might very well be the best co-op game available today. There, I said it. I wanted to avoid all possible hyperbole, but the fact is that my previous statement could be true. As I discovered this week, Rock Band has some serious co-op chops.

by Marc Allie 1
  • xbox 360

A Title to Feature ONLY Online Co-Op: Raven Squad

This just in from the "Eh?" department...  The rather generic yet still annoyingly long-titled 'Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger' is coming soon to your Xbox.  Almost nothing is known about the game, save that it was a FPS, then a RTS, and now is a FPSRTS hybrid.  (Anyone got a spoon for that alphabet soup?)  XBox360Fanboy tells us that the first reports told of no support for Live at all!  Perhaps someone got smart and decided that if you are going to make a generic sounding game it better have some support for this generation's best feature: you know, the INTURWEB.  Al Gore would be happy to see that Live support was added in, and co-op to boot, which also means we'll actually follow this game here at Co-Optimus!

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 1
  • xbox live arcade
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You Got Alien Hominid in My Castle Crashers!

Ah, Castle Crashers. Is there anything else that I can say about you in a glowing manner? We've covered the game for the longest time, and now there is the light at the end of the tunnel, i.e. a release date. So why am I excited about the game now? Well, it looks like another well-liked Behemoth character will be making an appearance in Castle Crashers. That's right, Alien Hominid will be an unlockable character in Castle Crashers. The best part is that if you bought Alien Hominid HD, the little bugger will be unlocked the day you purchase Castle Crashers. Man, August 27th cannot come fast enough!

by Marc Allie 9
  • xbox 360

Time Warps Unlock Classes in Too Human Demo

Grab your flux capacitors and get the 1.21 gigawatt batteries, folks!  It seems that by manipulating the very fabric of the space/time continuum, you can unlock all the character classes in the Too Human demo.  Joystiq has the details, but the basic idea is simple.  The demo was timed to unlock classes on certain dates.  The berserker class unlocked last Friday, and after repeated time-hops into the near future, it has been determined that the Commando will join the action on August 12.  If your Delorean is out of power, and no steam trains are nearby, you could always cheat and set your system clock ahead a year, if you prefer.  The Defender and Bioengineer remain locked even after these temporal somersaults, but they too can be unlocked.  Read on for the details...

by Nick Puleo 4
  • xbox live arcade

Geometry Wars 2 Gameplay Videos

In case you haven't heard Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 is hitting the Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday for 800 Microsoft points.   The new game will feature 4 player local co-op for some truly frantic action (see above).  GameVideos has three new videos of the co-op action and if this doesn't give you a seizure or get you excited...well nothing will.  Hit the jump for the videos of Evolved, Deadline and Waves mode all in co-op.

by Marc Allie 0

Co-Op Classics: Justice League Heroes

Super-hero mania is here!  Last weekend, The Dark Knight hit theaters, and broke all sorts of records.  The annual celebration of all things comic book, the San Diego Comic Con, started yesterday, and geeks everywhere rejoiced.  Just last night, Co-Optimus hosted a co-op night on Xbox Live, choosing the much-loved action RPG Marvel: Ultimate Alliance as the game for the week.  It is only fitting then, that we look at a cape-based game from the previous generation for this week's Co-Op Classics:  Justice League Heroes.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Preview and Video

Ah, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, I loved thee well. Mixing hack-and-slash with superheroes and 4 player co-op was a brilliant idea. Yes, there was a good deal of grinding for powerups and costumes, but where else can you have a team of Iron Man, Blade, Deadpool, and Wolverine? So, it comes as no surprise that the Co-Optimus crew was pleased to find out there will be a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. We've covered the game in the past, and it sounds like more of the same, in a good way. However, recent details have come to light via 1up. The game is now called Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion. You might have heard that the "fusion" part of the game concerns combining superpowers for a cool combo attack. Hit the preview from 1up to discover more info about the game, including more on the "fusion" part of the game. And to make things better, 1up's sister site Gamevideos has a preview video. Oh, and don't worry about any platform feeling left out: the game will come out for most all platforms (Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, PS2, PSP, DS).

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