by Marc Allie 0
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Dr. Mario Online Co-Op Review

Nintendo has a long history of releasing games on several different systems.  Whether this is a bad thing or not largely depends on whether you are a fan or critic of Nintendo franchises in general.  Put me firmly in the "fan" camp.  I have no problem with this recycling, as long as the games are good, which in Nintendo's case, they usually are.  Who could argue that buying Smash Brothers three times was a waste of money?  And Tetris for the DS was absolutely worth purchasing, though I'd played it on the original Game Boy for years.  Let's consider Dr. Mario Online for a moment, then.  It's been available for the NES, Nintendo 64, and for the GBA TWICE, and recently it hit the WiiWare service.  Is it worth checking out, given the addition of a co-op mode? 

by Marc Allie 2
  • xbox live arcade
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Co-Op Release Alert: Wolf of the Battlefield

In a mere 24 hours, give or take, Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 will be released on Xbox Live Arcade (the Playstation Network version came out last week).  We previewed the game last week here at Co-Optimus.  Team up with up to three other friends, either locally or online, to blow stuff up and save the world from the bad guys.  It looks to be a fun little game, if you are into that sort of thing (which we know you are, being a reader of this site, after all).

by Nick Puleo 2
  • xbox live arcade

Assault Heroes 2 Co-Op Review

One of the surprise titles of Xbox Live Arcade was Assault Heroes from Wanako games.  It was a witty, beautiful, and most importantly fun top down shooter with cooperative play.  Over a year later Wanako is back with the sequel and it promises to have more style, more bad guys, and more levels.  Most importantly the game has a renewed focus on co-op play with not only co-op specific attacks, but different ways to play cooperatively including replaying specific sections of the game or playing through the game in it's entirety.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 8
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Gamepro Says Halo Wars Will Have Co-op

Well, its seems that the next chapter in the monolithic Halo series, Halo Wars, will have co-op. Sites like Joystiq are reporting that Gamepro magazine has a world exclusive on the new Halo-flavored real-time strategy game. In thier latest issue (July), Gamepro says that the game will have two-player online co-op and six player multiplayer. The July issue also reveals more about the vehicles in the game, including some not featured in previous Halo games. So, co-op Halo fans rejoice and pray this is 100% true.

by Marc Allie 11

Choose Your Own Co-Op Classic!

Anyone who grew up in the 80s will remember the Choose Your Own Adventure series of books.  The books were wildly popular, though frowned on by my school librarian.  The hook was that you took the role of the main character, and made choices which affected the outcome of the story.  Of course, you could read it again, and make different choices to get a better ending.  This week, prepare to relive this experience, a bit, and get ready to...

by Nick Puleo 7

Call of Duty 5 to Feature Co-Op

So I've got good news and I've got bad news.  The good news is the upcoming sequel to Call of Duty 4, aptly titled Call of Duty 5: World at War will feature co-op play.  This is a first and long over due feature for the series.  The latest version of the game will be on the Xbox 360, PS3 and even the Wii and will feature vehicles and squad based elements in multiplayer.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 5
  • pc

Dawn of War 2 Details

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 (also in the same "longest game name" competition as Sacred 2) was revealed not too long ago. So, naturally we are left wanting for more information. As always, IGN has come to the rescue, with a preview of the PC real-time strategy game. The team seems to be enthusiastic about co-op, and the following quote does seem promising.

by Marc Allie 7
  • pc

Co-Op Classics: Diablo

Bleary eyed, I slammed my mouse down and growled out loud.  I could barely see my watch in the dark, lit only by the glare from my monitor.  2:30 AM.  How could I possibly have played this long, and not known it?  I sighed and stared at the screen.  There, in blood red hue, lay the corpse of my warrior, piles of gold everywhere, surrounded by acid spitting demons.  I crept into the other room to find the telephone, and dialed a close friend.  Luckily, I had started this session as a modem game, just in case.  "John?  Are you awake?  I need your help, man.  I died to those lame acid spitters on Hell difficulty again, and there is no way I can get to my corpse.  Dial in and help me?  I can't just restart, man, I just got that King's Longsword of Haste, I'll never find one again..."  So began another co-op rescue mission in Diablo, Blizzard's masterpiece for the PC.

by Nick Puleo 1
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Too Human Pre-Order Details, Armor Screens, Co-Op Info

Continuing our onslaught of Too Human coverage, we've got two tidbits of info today.  The first is a video interview with Denis Dyack where he talks a bit about the game based on community questions, but also talks about what it was like to design the co-op aspect of the game.  Oh, right, and the question was (indirectly) asked by me.  A lot of it is what was already said in our Exclusive Interview, but it's interesting none the less. Next up comes from the folks over at the Gamerscore Blog.  There's a perk for people who preorder the game from various retailers - exclusive armor.  In fact, 5 pieces of exclusive armor, one for each class in the game.  There's new screenshots of the armor and both videos embedded right after the break.

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