by Nick Puleo 7
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Co-Op Release Alert: Lego Indiana Jones

Every platform this week is going to get some co-op lovin, thanks to the whip wielding LEGO version of Harrison Ford.  LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Trilogy hits store shelves on Wednesday, though rumor has it you can find it as early as today.

by Marc Allie 9
  • nintendo wii

Co-Op Classics: River City Ransom

River City Ransom has quite a following for a relatively obscure NES title.  A few years ago, the game was given the 'EX' treatment for the Game Boy Advance.  Last month, the NES version hit Nintendo's Virtual Console for the Wii, priced at $5.  Given the cult classic status of the game, and the promise of co-op, I decided to check it out.  I brought along my oldest son to help with the "testing".  (I hope you appreciate all the sacrifices we make here at Co-Optimus for our valued readers!) River City Ransom begins in classic NES fashion: a screen full of text gives you all the story you need (someone's girl has been kidnapped, we got it!) and then you are dropped right into the action.  Players take the roles of Alex and Ryan.  One of them is wearing blue pants and a white T-shirt, and the other is wearing white pants and a blue T-shirt.  I have no idea which one is which.  The environment is a typical city, and immediately you have to fight some generic bad guys.  That's literal; the first baddies are named "The Generic Dudes".  The localization crew must have been working overtime that week!  You can punch, kick, dash and jump your way to victory.  Interestingly, when your enemies are defeated, they yell at you.  Most noteworthy among these battle cries?  "BARF!"  Almost Shakespearean, isn't it?

by Nick Puleo 0

May Co-Op Round-Up

Here are some of the interesting things that happened in the world of co-op games and for the month of May!

by Marc Allie 0

Best Thing Ever, or Sad Parody of Cool?

Co-Optimus readers: DjinniMan has been unavailable for a few days due to some unforeseen circumstances.  In place of his usual article, we present the following transcript, which was sent to us anonymously.  Thank you.

by Nick Puleo 0

New Prince of Persia "Probably" Flying Solo

Ubisoft recently announced a brand new Prince of Persia title, following on the success of their previous three games.  The new game is said to be a "reboot" of the series with a brand new illustrative art style, a more focused combat mechanic, and the addition of a companion for the new prince to assist him on his quest. 

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 0
  • xbox 360
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This Week In Co-Op: GTA IV

Co-Optimus has recently launched it's new classic game column, "Co-Op Classics." Well, that's not the only new column we are debuting. This week marks the debut of "This Week in Co-op," a sort of summary of my co-op exploits and experiences. This column will give the Co-Optimus fans a chance to see what is enjoyable about the co-op games through the eyes of a regular gamer, which is to say me. Each week, I will detail what I liked and or disliked about my co-op experience that week. Most weeks I'll play a variety of games, but this week I focused on one newly-released game. This week's game should be no surprise: GTA IV.

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