by Marc Allie 1
  • nintendo wii

'Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked" Found on Wii

The 'Lost in Blue' games have had some success on the Nintendo DS.  This fall, the survival adventure series will make the jump from handheld to home console with 'Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked" for the Wii.  The game sounds like a mix of Survivor, Lost, and the Harvest Moon titles.  Players are stranded on a mysterious island, and must learn how to survive.  The Wii remote will be used for all sorts of survival related tasks, such as making weapons, and constructing a shelter.  Of course, there is a whole island to explore, and players may eventually discover a way to escape the island, if they choose not to stay permanently.  Co-op details are very, very sparse as of yet:

by Marc Allie 4
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • nintendo wii

Let the Rhythm Game Wars Begin!

Beat World Tour with a few friends in Rock Band?  Shredded faces with a buddy in Guitar Hero 3?  Lost pounds of water by sweating too much when you challenge your friends is Dance Dance Revolution?  If you have, you likely already have a huge number of peripherals around the house.  In addition to being in the way, those suckers are really expensive.  But hey, at least it's a one time investment right?

by Nick Puleo 35

Xbox Live Co-Op Night - Success!

Last night we held our first official Xbox Live Co-Op Night.  The co optimus gamertag quickly filled up before the night even started, so I knew this was going to be something special.  I tried to jump into as many matches as I could, but it was good to see people using the friends of friends feature to find other co-op gamers!

by Nick Puleo 14
  • xbox 360

Fable 2 Has a Secret...shhhh

Fable 2 has been years in the making, but it's only recently that we started to get details of the game's cooperative mode.  We know that the game will support another player in a drop in/drop out fashion on the same console.  We know that this player can have an incredible effect on your game world - killing loved ones for example.  

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