by Enoch Starnes 0
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Who's down to crawl some dungeons?

Take A Sneak Peek At Torchlight Frontier's Gameplay

Oh, now here's something.  The Torchlight series, which first arrived on PC back in 2009, will have a third entry titled Torchlight Frontiers out in 2019.  While the prior game, Torchlight 2, allowed co-op for up to six players (and the original Torchlight was purely a solo experience), it looks like Frontiers will dip into MMO territory.

by Jason Love 0
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In space, nobody can hear you say, "wheeeeeeeee!!!!"

MOTHERGUNSHIP Stream Recap and Impressions

Terrible Posture Games' MOTHERGUNSHIP finally got its co-op update last week, so Mike and Jason strapped themselves into some mech suits, got their allen wrenches and spare IKEA parts, and set about making some space guns. While there are a few issues we have with it, MOTHERGUNSHIP is a really fun FPS that harkens back to the days of DOOM and Quake.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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That just butters my biscuits.

Overcooked! 2 Now Has A New Game+ Mode

I bet you and your friends toiled for days to perfect your prep priorities, minimize raw-to-table times, and synergize dish-washing techniques, all in the effort of achieving that highest of honors:  beating Overcooked 2.  Well, I've got good/bad news, depending on your perspective.  The folks over at Ghost Town Games have added a New Game Plus mode via a free update, so you've got a lot more work ahead of you.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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One Small Step For Video Games, One Giant Video To Announce It All.

A Hat In Time Getting Campaign Couch Co-Op on the PC

In a recent video, Gears for Breakfast announced that the PC version of their 3D platforming title, A Hat In Time, will be getting the first of two planned DLC packs soon, and alongside that, a free update that lets you play the entire campaign in split-screen co-op! Both of these will be available on September 13th, and while it sounds like the co-op will always be free for players, the “Seal the Deal” DLC will be free on release day, with the price rising to $4.99 after that.

by Enoch Starnes 0
The "Z" means we don't play by the rulez.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Extreme Gamerz Only

Once again, the Co-Opticrew has managed to come up with an almost entirely diverse range of weekend plans.  It's like they get together beforehand and do this just to make it harder for me to come up with a title.  Well nice try, jerks.  I've got all kinds of titles up my sleeves, and you'd have to do this kind of thing at least two more times before I've exhausted all the good ones.

by Jason Love 0
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It's about MOTHERFUNNING time!

Co-Op Has Been Patched Into MOTHERGUNSHIP For All Versions

We were excited to check out Terrible Posture Games' rogue-lite/bullet hell FPS, MOTHERGUNSHIP, with a buddy and enjoy the chaos as we crafted our own impossible guns. Sadly, the co-op feature was delayed on both the consoles and (just prior to launch) the PC. With the "MOTHERGUNFRIENDSHIP" update that was released this week, though, you can now play this intriguing title with a friend.

by Jason Love 0
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PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only, and no Europe release

Dark Souls Trilogy Pack Headed to America and Asia

Good news if you live in the U.S. or Asia and haven't gotten your fill of Dark Souls yet. Bandai Namco announced at Gamescom that a special Dark Souls Trilogy bundle will be released on October 19, 2018 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The bundle includes the recent Dark Souls: Remastered release,  as well as the Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, and Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades editions, meaning you get all the DLC for all the games. That's a lot of bonfires and estus flasks!

by Enoch Starnes 0
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And yet Ubisoft still won't take my pitches for Andy Gator: Bayou Cop.

The Crew 2 Is Getting Gators And Hovercrafts On September 26th

Somewhere out there is a person playing The Crew 2 and thinking, "Sure, all this open-world racing is great or whatever, but what I really want is the sensation of drifting into a hairpin turn while also swatting at a horde of bloodthirsty mosquitoes."  Luckily for this hypothetical person, they'll only need to wait a little over a month for their wish to come true, as the "Gator Rush" update will be hitting The Crew 2 on September 26th.

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