by Enoch Starnes 0
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You can almost taste the cartridge.

Shovel Knight Is Coming To Retail Next Year

Shovel Knight, everyone's favorite game about being a knight with a shovel, has been making the digital rounds ever since its initial release in 2014.  While it was originally only available on the PC, 3DS, and Wii U, the game eventually made its way to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, all the while amassing a number of expansions and some downloadable content.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Livelock And Lego Co-op!

Games With Gold for Sept. 2018

Xbox Live’s Games With Gold program for September 2018 features a solid lineup of co-op friendly games. Single-player loving Xbox One users who have GOLD membership will be able to build their own criminal housing facility in Prison Architect for the entire month of September. Following this, Livelock, a top-down co-op shooter, becomes free Sept. 15th to Oct. 16th.

by Eric Murphy 0
Our 7th year helping CMN Hospitals save lives

Join the Co-Optimus Team for Extra Life 2018

Fall is a great time for gamers. There are so many games to play and not enough time to play them all, right? That's a real problem, so let me offer you a win-win solution. Pick one game that you were planning on buying, and don't buy it. Now, take that $60 you just saved, and make a donation on your Extra Life page, which you created after joining the Co-Optimus Extra Life Team. Your $60 just made an impact on some poor kid who was critically injured in a car accident, and you saved a lot of time that you would have sunk into that game you didn't buy.

by Jason Love 0
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All the updates are on the PC version, too, for free

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition Now Available on Consoles

If you're looking for something to do this weekend on your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, then you might want to check Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition, which just arrived today. This updated version of the 2017 game includes too many tweaks, balances, and fixes to list (seriously, there's a 50 page document about what they did), but the bottom line is this: it's the same great game made even better.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Here for all your monster-related hijinx needs.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Peculiar Platoon

My, my!  It looks like an extended weekend is in the Co-Opticrew's immediate future, and you just know we're gonna get a little gaming in to celebrate.  The Fall Deluge hasn't struck in full force yet, so outside of the brand new Bizarre Battalion, we're mostly still working through our backlogs.  That's probably for the best, as things will be getting real hectic around here before too long.

by Jason Love 0
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Play as a sloth and fire a gun that shoots kittens?

Gameplay Video for Spelunky 2 Shows Off A Little Co-Op

The original Spelunky was a phenomenon that to this day is still one of the most played/talked about rogue-likes in modern gaming history. So, how do you follow that up? By doing more of the same and adding even more layers to it. Spelunky 2 was first announced during last year's PlayStation Expo, but earlier this week, we got our first confirmation of co-op and a preview of some of those new features in action.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Just when you thought it was safe to be a rat.

"Shadows Over Bögenhafen" Is Out Now For Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Since its PC release earlier this year, Warhammer: Vermintide 2 has received a smattering of free DLC to spice up players' experiences as they worked their way through the main game.  Each one was a welcome addition to the core gameplay, but we had yet to receive a "substantial" batch of new content from developer Fatshark Games.

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