by Jason Love 0
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More players = better loot

Latest Hotfix for Dungeon Defenders II Rewards You For Co-Op Play

This past July, Trendy Entertainment dropped some new DLC ("Protean Shift") for their free-to-play tower-defense/third-person action title, Dungeon Defenders II. There have been a couple of updates since then - notably the one last month that increased the rewards received when playing with additional players - and last week, there was a hotfix that refined that system even further. Now, playing with additional players not only gets you more experience, but guaranteed better gear.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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It’s All Here

Our World, My Story Trailer Lays Down The Basics for Anthem

In the newest video for the upcoming BioWare game, Anthem, the developers have laid out the basics for how players will interact with the world and, in return, how the world will be able to influence the player; be it through the people you’ll meet, the places you’ll explore, or the monsters you’ll fight. While the world of Anthem is a creation of the developers, they intentend for what happens in that world and what story the players tell with their time in-game to remain up to them.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Even more ways to be mean.

We Have New Info On LEGO DC Super-Villains' Season Pass

Admit it - we all get tired of being the good guy sometimes.  The kindly folks over at LEGO (or, more specifically, Traveller's Tales) recognize this, which is why LEGO DC Super-Villains is heading our way on October 16th.  Hopefully, the game will let you dip a toe into the realms of immorality, but instead of dealing with any real consequences, you'll be faced with more cute-sy, "oh no my plastic arms fell off" outcomes.

by Tally Callahan 0
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Content updates for FFXIV and TERA and the announcement of Wildstar\'s incoming closure

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume XCI: Dark Lords, Preludes, and Closures

In many previous years of this column, fall has meant detailing launches of new MMOs; however, these days fall usually means new expansions and content updates to existing MMOs. This month for MMOCO, we’ll be looking at a couple of upcoming updates to TERA and FFXIV. We also sadly have the closure of Carbine Studios (and thus, WildStar) to di...

by Nick Puleo 0
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Fast and beautiful, fully customizable.

SteelSeries Apex M750 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Impressions

It's been sometime since I've reviewed a keyboard for Co-Optimus, with my last official review actually being the one I'm reviewing today's predecessor. But since that time I had fully switched to a Razer Black Widow Chroma that served me well for a number of years. But like my SteelSeries mouse impressions piece stated, the software and glitches became too numerous to stay invested in the Razer ecosystem so I dove in headfirst to an all SteelSeries lineup. The final piece of that puzzle is the SteelSeries Apex M750 RGB mechanical gaming keyboard.

by Enoch Starnes 0
It's nice to be above ground every now and then.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Mining Crew

Can you believe another week's done and dusted?  It feels like it was just yesterday that Jason was yelling at the Co-Opticrew to finish our morning serving of porridge and crowd back into the co-op mines.  "Ah well," I remember telling Marc on the way down, "at least we got that extra day to let the cartridge dust work its way out of our lungs."  We shared a somber smile then, knowing the darkness of the mines would soon shroud our faces beyond recognition.  My, how time does seem to slip away...

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