by Jason Love 0
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Breach a house, shoot zombies

Third Year of Content for Rainbow 6 Siege Includes New Co-Op Event

During yesterday's Rainbow 6 Siege Season 3, Year 2 Pro League tournament, Ubisoft revealed its plans for next year's content. As they spent much of this year improving some things with the game and making sure there was a better foundation for it going forward, the usual four seasons got condensed a bit. Year three will feature four full season and, for the first time, a new co-op limited time co-op event.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Get your tactical gloves ready.

Play Rainbow 6 Siege For Free This Weekend

Amidst all the battle royales, failed arcade shooters, and rat killing simulators released over the last couple years, Rainbow 6 Siege has continued to chug along, content to quietly release new content for their core, tactics-obsessed audience.  Well, this weekend, Ubisoft is looking to expand said audience with another chance to check the game out for free.

by Jason Love 0
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Cars playing soccer, Marvel heroes, and unfortunate loot boxes

New Co-Op Game Releases - November 14 Edition

We're getting ever closer to the holiday season and that means the bigger game releases are starting to wind down for the year. This week, we've got LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 on all the modern platforms, Rocket League on the Switch, and Star Wars: Battlefront II on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, though it's worth noting that only the console versions of the game support co-op per our site's definition.

by Tally Callahan 0
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We weigh in on the co-opportunity capability of the newest Guild Wars 2 expansion

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume LXXXII: Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Spotlight

In this issue of MMO Co-Opportunities, we’ll be spotlighting the recently released second expansion to Guild Wars 2, Path of Fire. Specifically, we’ll be examining how its three big features (new story/map content, mounts, and new Elite Specializations) stack up in terms of co-opportunity capability....

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