by Jason Love 0
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I am cautiously hopeful, brothers

Latest Space Hulk: Deathwing Update Points to Big Changes in the Works

Space Hulk: Deathwing arrived on PC last year and while it managed to capture some of the feeling and atmosphere of being a walking killing machine sent inside a derelict spacecraft filled with relentless aliens out to harvest your genes, it fell short in a number of other ways. The latest update, though, teases at some great things in the works.

by Jason Love 0
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Twin-stick shooting AND tower defense all in one place

Three New Gameplay Videos for X-Morph: Defense

EXOR Studios' next title, X-Morph: Defense, is still on its way at some point this year, bringing with it the thrill of not only shmups but also building towers to defend against waves of enemies. The last time we checked in, we got to see some of the local co-op in action. This time we're looking at some of the enemy behavior and graphic effects, as well as just how intense the combat can get.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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No more 24 hour sneak-a-thons.

Styx: Shards Of Darkness Adds Co-Op Save Function

Released back in March of this year, Styx: Shards of Darkness was a cause for delight around these parts due to its inclusion of two player online co-op.  Its predecessor was already held in high regard, so co-op fans were understandably excited for a chance to experience the stealth-focused game with a friend.  One thing seemed to be holding it back, though - a lack of multiplayer save functionality.

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