by Jason Love 0
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It wasn't THAT bad

TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan Delisted From Digital Service Platforms

Modern games have a somewhat natural life-cycle where they initially emerge, sink back down, float back up for a sale, and repeat thanks to digital marketplaces. The boxed copies of a title will usually shuffle about in retail for a good year or so after initial release, but it's the digital side of things that tends to keep a title going. As of today, the digital life for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is at an end.

by Jason Love 0
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Darkening of Tristram event should be arriving soon for Diablo 3

Celebrate 20 Years of Diablo Across All of Blizzard's IPs

Hard to believe it was 20 years ago that I first descended into the depths of Hell in search of the Lord of Terror (and some quality loot). Diablo was released on December 31, 1996 and its arrival marked a new beginning for, and in some ways the actual definition of, the action-RPG genre. To celebrate the title's release, Blizzard is injecting a little of the world of Sanctuary into all of its games.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Not only games, but movies and books too!

Shop Amazon's "Digital Day" For Deep Discounts on Downloads

Amazon is having a "Digital Day" today, offering deep discounts on digital downloads through their online store. While this traditionally is a PC only sale, we do see quite a few offers on PS4 and Xbox One titles as well. There is A LOT on sale, and we'll highlight some of the co-op goodies below. But if there's anything Santa didn't deliver this year, you might want to check it out.

by Jason Love 0
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A '90s horror summer camp that's also a killer rave scene

Sabotage DLC for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Includes New Zombie Map

We suspected this would be coming, as the zombie mode in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has space for other "movies" in the game setup. When the Sabotage DLC arrives next month for the PlayStation 4, the "Scooby" gang will be shifting from the '80 in "Zombies in Spaceland" to the '90s with "Rave in the Redwoods."

by Jason Love 0
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I love that commercial where the polar bears drink the Nuka Cola

Festive Pack for Minecraft: Windows 10, Fallout for Console Editions

The Windows 10 Edition of Minecraft got a big update earlier this week that brings the version number up to 1.0; though it's still in beta, apparently. Anyways, along with that update, there's some "Festive Mash-Up" DLC available to purchase so you can deck the halls and all that jazz. The console versions aren't being left out of the DLC fun as they just got the "Fallout Mash-Up" DLC.

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