by Enoch Starnes 0
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I'll start the speculation off: every player is now Ronald Reagan.

Large ARK: Survival Evolved Update To Be Revealed Tomorrow

If I were dropped into, say, one of the plethora of modern Survival games currently available, I can't imagine I'd last too long.  I mean, I can barely make it through the workday in one piece, and I've already got clothes and a place to live!  Plopping me in the middle of the woods with nothing but a loincloth and my wits would most likely lead to me expiring with only one of those two things.  

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Now with 200% more robotic dismemberment!

NeuroVoider Officially Out Today On Steam, Gets Deluxe Edition

Nietzsche once said, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."  I'm pretty sure he was referring to mental strength there, but it's entirely possible that he was predicting the core mechanic of NeuroVoider, a game centered around destroying your robotic enemies and subsequently attaching parts of their dismembered body onto your own.  Who's to say, really?

by Enoch Starnes 0
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There's still time to sign up!

Pit People Enters Xbox One Closed Beta On September 8th

To be honest, if someone were to call me a "pit person", I'd be vaguely offended, but I'm not quite sure why.  I suppose I'll have to get used to it, though, as people will be slinging that term around all willy-nilly once The Behemoth's Pit People hits closed beta for Xbox One on September 8th.  Soon enough, forums will be rife with topics titled "Check out my new yaoi pitfic", "How 2 be best NA pit person in ranked", and "Petition for the devs to add more varied sizes of pits".  I await their arrival with bated breath.

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