by Nick Puleo 0
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Horrors and Tea

Monsters and Monocles Hits Early Access Today, View our Stream Recap

I must admit, I'm sort of surprised to see so many co-op twin-stick shooters lately. It's a good thing, don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite genres of games - after all I created one myself. It's just surprising because they always seemed sort of niche. Perhaps Monsters and Monocles, launching today on Steam Early Access, is the very embodiment of that. Combining steampunk, horror, and retro goodness into a four player twin-stick game.

by Jason Love 0
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Awoooo, wolves attacking Midgard

Fight Your Way Through Ragnarok in Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

Kalypso Media, best known for publishing the Tropico series, has teamed up with developer Games-Farm to put out an action RPG title set within the Norse mythology. Vikings - Wolves of Midgard puts you in the shoes of a Viking or a shieldmaiden as you combat fire and frost giants and try to save the world from utter annihilation.

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
Lounge anywhere. On air.

Sumo Air Impressions

Gather round friends, for it's time to check out another offering from the lounge scientists at Sumo. We recently received a test unit for the new Sumo Air, which is an inflatable offering, instead of their traditional beanbag lounge. As a chronically lazy person, I am always willing to flop onto something comfortable and report my findings. After using it in my living room, and at two outdoor events, I shall present my impressions.

by Tally Callahan 0
Content patches and DLC for GW2 and ESO, major expansion announcement for RIFT

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume LXVIII: Shadows and Starfalls

As the end of the summer starts to roll around, large content launches and expansion announcements start to gear up for MMOs, just as we see this August. This month for MMO Co-Opportunities we take a look at Living World Season 3 starting up for Guild Wars 2, a large content-focused DLC and update hitting Elder Scrolls Online, and a major expansion...

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