by Jason Love 0
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Just one step away from PS4 to Xbox One

Rocket League Now Supports PC/Xbox One Cross-Platform Play

If you're all about the PC and your friend is all about the Xbox One but you both enjoy playing Rocket League, then rejoice! Cross-platform play is now available for the two versions. So, if you want to team up with a buddy on the Xbox to dunk some hoops, or you've got a "PC Master Race" friend that's been waiting to team-up and play a little car footie, the only thing holding you back now is (likely) your Internet connection.

by Jason Love 0
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Also, NECA has some cool toys based on the arcade version

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan Out Now

The Platinum Games developed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan game is now available for your consumption, in case you weren't aware. Initial reviews are... err... well, not awesome? We're working on our own co-op review of the game, but in the meantime, we've got some other hot TMNT-related news.

by Jason Love 0
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Finding Dory will close it out next month

Some of the Last New Toy Sets for Disney Infinity 3.0 Now Available

While the future of the Disney Infinity series is done, there are still a few more opportunities to pick up some of the toys for Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition. In conjunction with the film's release this past weekend, new figures based on Alice Through the Looking Glass are available at your retailer of choice.

by Enoch Starnes 0
I won't stoop to those levels.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Who Overwatches The ...Eh, It's Not Worth It

As you might have expected, Blizzard's latest competitive shooter hasn't completely overtaken the Co-opticrew as of yet.  That's not to say we don't enjoy a bit of virtual conflict with other humans from time to time, it's just that this weekend seems to be focused on more natural activities, like enjoying the great outdoors or indulging in some delectable board ga - you know what.  I can't take it.  I can't lead this false life anymore.  

by Dealzon 0
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Gearbox slash price while Origin runs store wide coupon

Co-Op Deals: 55% Off Battleborn Deluxe, 30% Off Battlefront Season Pass

With Blizzard's Overwatch out this week it means 2K Games is hitting the panic button. They just put an offer on the table any cheap gamer could be tempted by, $20 off Battleborn for all platforms, dropping the price from $59.99 to only $39.99. Solid deal, but on PC it's even better at the PC gaming retailer GMG, who has the game cut to $35.99 instantly plus a stacking coupon code to $26.99 - a massive 55% off less than a month out from release. The same percentage discount applies to the the Deluxe Edition, which drops from $75 to only $33.74 ($41.25 mark down).

by Jason Love 0
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New consoles providing new opportunities

Indie-Ana Co-Op and the Neon Chrome Post-Mortem

Some indie studios rise and fall as the tides of gaming shift. For 10tons Ltd., they've managed to stick around for over 13 years by going with the waves and shifting development to the platforms that are in demand. Their latest title, Neon Chrome, is a return to their twin-stick shooter roots and Sampo Töyssy, Vice CEO of 10tons...

by Sam Tyler 0
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12 legged Spider Man DLC drop

LEGO Spider Man Does Whatever a LEGO Marvel's Avengers Can

I don't know if you have heard *spoilers*, but Spider Man is now officially part of the wider Marvel's Avengers universe.  That's great news for comic book and cinema lovers, but it is also good for owners of LEGO Marvel's Avengers, as they get free piece of DLC that contains 6 different versions of the Webbed Wonder.

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