by Tally Callahan 0
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A wealth of content has sprung forth for GW2, BDO, and SWTOR

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume LXV: Spring Has Sprung

This month on MMO Co-Opportunities we take a look at more content pouring in for pre-existing MMOs. The popular Super Adventure Box returns to Guild Wars 2, recently released Black Desert Online gets a full-fledged expansion free to all players, and a new chapter is released for SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire. It’s a good time to be a pl...

by Enoch Starnes 0
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The maintenance on a sand-based warframe must be a nightmare.

Warframe Third Anniversary Brings Sands of Inaros To Consoles

I think it's safe to say that Warframe has far exceeded expectations in the years since its 2013 release.  Through a steady clip of tweaks and content updates, Digital Extremes has managed to craft the world's premier space-ninja simulator, and just a straight-up fun game.  They're celebrating these three years of success in a couple of ways, so let's get right into it.

by Jason Love 0
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Two co-op story missions will be available to play in the beta

Pre-Load the Battleborn Open Beta, Pre-Order the Season Pass

If you're interested in checking out Battleborn before it arrives in full next month, then fire up your platform of choice and start downloading the open beta version. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC players can all start pre-loading it now, though only the PlayStation 4 players will be able to start playing it tomorrow.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Trigger warning: Patch Notes

The Division's Forthcoming 1.1 Patch Has Been Detailed

Following a red-hot opening month for Tom Clancy's The Division, the folks over at Ubisoft have buckled down and sought out areas where their four player co-op game is in need of change.  Just a few days ago, they revealed "Incursions", the first of two free upcoming expansion packs, and detailed just what it will be adding content-wise.  

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
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It's time to die....again

Dark Souls 3 Pre-Release Stream Recap

The Souls series isn't stressful enough, so we decided to stream our copy of Dark Souls 3 from moment one. With the rest of the Co-Opticrew watching, I take a bit of a tour of the introductory areas, fight a boss, and try to make heads or tails of the new mechanics. I think this is how Nick would prefer to experience the game - by watching the rest of us screw up.

by Dealzon 0
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Enter the Gungeon shooting up sales chart with discounts

Co-Op Deals: 28% Off Enter the Gungeon, Plus GTA V for 46% Off

A few decent co-op deals have surfaced at the PC gaming retailer Green Man Gaming. Grand Theft Auto V on PC is almost 50% off with a recent drop to only $32.16 after our coupon code. More importantly, they're also promoting the Grand Theft Auto Online Shark Cards, dropping the price on the Megladon, Whale, and Great White Shark cards 44%.

by Taylor Killian 0
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The Universe beckons once more.

Starbound 1.0 Release Rapidly Approaches

You and your swarthy seven person crew have battled across the galaxy. Creeping around hostile bird-person ruins, mining alien deserts for their precious resources, and vaporizing everything that runs at you with the urge to kill has only served to strengthen the bonds of you and your posse. However, you soon realize that the universe is a lot more narrow in scope than you expected, so you and your friends return to Earth and convert your space ship into a novelty food truck specializing in fajitas or something.

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