by Enoch Starnes 0
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Just when you thought it was safe to be a demon.

Never Mind The Wait, Doom 3 Mod Adds New Co-op Options

I can't speak from personal experience, but my understanding is that Hell is kind of a terrible place.  First off, there's brimstone everywhere, which is actually just sulfur, meaning you can't go more than 30 seconds without getting a whiff of Satan's nether-regions.  Besides that, everything's insanely hot all of the time.  It's sort of like Burning Man, except you can't go home at the end.  

by Jason Love 0
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The real Dark Souls begins when you crash to desktop

Dark Souls 3 Arrives with Plenty of PC Issues

The day many of us have waited for this past year is finally here. Dark Souls 3 is out today on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC and while console users are enjoying the title, PC users are not having quite as much fun. Early reviews of the game found the PC port to have its share of issues, which seem to have persisted into release.

by Jason Love 0
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Craft your way through the zombie apocalypse

7 Days to Die Headed to Consoles

The action/survival/crafting/open-world RPG 7 Days to Die kicked off in Steam Early Access a little over 3 years ago. In that time, the game has added a lot of new features and functionality, and is likely getting close to a full release. At least, one would hope that it is, as the newly formed Telltale Publishing branch of well-known dev Telltale Games has picked up the title for a console release.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Don't run with lancers. Ever.

Gears Of War 4 Chainsaws Onto Xbox Ones October 11th; New Trailer

The steroid fueled adventures of Marcus "Do-Rag" Fenix may be over, but the Cogs still march on. Gears of War 4 debuted at E3 2015 showcasing two brawny new characters who just love chainsawing living things. JD Fenix, son of Mr. Do-Rag himself, takes center stage while his buddies Kait Diaz and Del Walker join the cast from safety behind a fallen concrete pillar. 

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