by Enoch Starnes 0
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Time to dig out those heisting gloves.

Monaco Has Been Added To The Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List

Thieves, brigands, and cut-purses alike have flown a little under the radar on Microsoft's current-gen console.  Sure, you've got your "Big Bosses" and your "Templars" and whatnot, but aside from that, stealth enthusiasts have largely had to dwell in the shadows and console each other with unsuspecting neck snaps.  It wasn't always this way, though.  Once upon a time, a little game called Monaco: What's Yours is Mine tiptoed its way directly into our hearts.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Also the name of the Hawthorne Heights documentary.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Prepare To Cry Edition

Well, gang, it's that time of week again.  It's a time filled with potential, hope, and as little work as humanly possible.  Unfortunately, this weekend will also be filled with plenty of cursing and gnashing of teeth, as Dark Souls 3 has just hit the market.  Between all the praising and whatnot, I suspect that the next couple days will play host to countless deaths of both the deserved and undeserved variety.

by Jason Love 0
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Echoes of Destiny's first year all over again

The Division's First Big Update Brings New Content, New Problems

My one hope for Tom Clancy's The Division was that its developers would learn from Bungie and the struggles they faced during the first year of Destiny. The first big update for the title, which introduced the Incursion event and a loot trading system along with a handful of other fixes and tweaks, arrived on Tuesday and initial reports are... well, it's a bit of a mess.

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