by Jason Love 0
Time to bust out the aluminum foil hats

Ally Becomes Foe Thanks to the Mind Flayer in Sword Coast Legends

You would never think that your best friend, your compatriot who has been with you through thick and thin, would suddenly turn on you and kill you; until they suddenly do. Perhaps their actions are not of their own design, however. Perhaps the terrible Mind Flayer has enthralled them. This is but one of the foes you will face in Sword Coast Legends next month.

by Jason Love 0
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We speak with Jesse Attard about Immortal Empire and free-to-play models

Indie-Ana Co-Op and the Tactic Studios Interview

The free-to-play model of games has risen alongside the surge of mobile games and it often (at times, quite rightly) gets a bad name. However, not all free-to-play games are quite so onerous. In some cases, this model provides smaller developers an opportunity to get their title out the door and in the hands of gamers. Immortal Empire is one s...

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Some men just want to watch a very small portion of the Parisien streets burn.

Take A Gander At The Fiery New Killing Floor 2 Update, "Incinerate 'N Detonate"

Ah, it's that time of year again.  Can you smell it in the air?  The burnt flesh.  The gunpowder.  The musk of a freshly slain zed.  That's right, folks, it's time for another Killing Floor 2 update!  The appropriately titled "Incinerate 'N Detonate" patch brings to us a slew of new conte...

by Jason Love 0
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Following in its predecessor's footsteps

Divinity: Original Sin Sequel to be Funded via Kickstarter

Divinity: Original Sin is getting a sequel everyone! Well, it will if you fund it. Which you will, right? I mean, after all, you all voted for it as the Best Indie Co-Op Game of 2014. That's what I thought. So go ahead and get your financials squared away so that you're all prepared to start throwing money at your computer screen next Wednesday, August 26.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Or is it off? Whatever, just don't shoot anyone, okay?

Throw Your Safety Catches Back On, Rainbow Six Siege Has Been Delayed Until December

Those pranksters over at Ubisoft got us again!  For the longest time, Rainbow Six Siege was due to cut off our supply routes on October 13th of this year, but, per a recent Ubisoft announcement, the game has been pushed back to December 1st.  Citing a desire to improve various aspects of their forthcoming title, the studio made the difficult choice to keep tactics junkies all over the world waiting for just a tad longer.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Even the Incredible Hulk is restrained until next year.

LEGO Marvel's Avengers Delayed Until January

Take the Venn Diagram of "People Who Like LEGO," and "People In A Fandom Of Anything At All"  and there's probably a lot of overlap. Unfortunately for those in the "Marvel Comics Enthusiasts" realm also inhabiting the LEGO fanbase, LEGO Marvel's Avengers has been delayed until January 29th. The two player co-op game destined for almost every platform follows the two Avengers films: Marvel's The Avengers, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, with the latter released way back in May. Not bad, considering it took LEGO 27 years to make an Indiana Jones game.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Triple the adjectives, triple the excitement.

Super Mutant Alien Assault Is Bringing Multiple Adjectives To Steam On August 20th

Sci-fi media treats robots with such disregard.  They're there to be used for whatever mundane purpose, and then immediately tossed aside.  It's just not fair!  What if they wanted to become chefs instead of floor sweepers, or floor sweepers instead of mine sweepers?  On August the 20th, you can fight for robot freedom in Super Mutant Alien Assault.  Prove to the world that robots can do all kinds of things, as long as they include slicing and dicing mutant aliens in a ridiculously cramped environment.

by Tally Callahan 0
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Impressions from the Bandai Namco Event Summer 2015

Tales of Zestiria and Dark Souls III Preview

Last week, I headed over to the Bryant Park Hotel to attend the Bandai Namco NYC Showcase Event. There they had a ton of their upcoming releases for the next few quarters. Of course, I was interested in the titles featuring co-op, which meant I spent a lot of time talking to the representatives for Tales of Zestiria and Dark Souls III.

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