by Dealzon 0
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Both Microsoft Store and Walmart are offering release day delivery guarantees

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Release Day Delivery Deals

Next week, Sledgehammer Games unveils the 11th installment of the COD series: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. If you know you're going to pick up the game on Day One anyway, consider pre-ordering a copy this week while you can pick up a?host of digital bonuses and even a few monetary incentives from select retailers (plus a few select retailers are throwing in guaranteed release day delivery so you can avoid the hassle of heading to a store).

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Action RPG/Tower Defense/Politics Simulator?

Dungeon Defenders II Developers Expand Defense Council

Ever wanted to dive into the bureaucratic world of red tape, lobbying, and endless debates?  Well then, do the developers of Dungeon Defenders II have an offer for you!  Trendy Entertainment announced on October 21st an expansion to the Defense Council, “an advisory board that allows players with an interest in the development of Dungeon Defenders II to provide early, focused feedback directly to the development team.”  Presumably in an attempt to phase out the bourgeoisie “Old Money” types, Trendy is allowing political aspirants to buy their way into the Defense Council on a first-come, first-serve basis, as a limited number of seats are available.  These nouveau riche upstarts will have access to a number of perks besides influence on the development of Dungeon Defenders II, including:

by Nick Puleo 0
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Visually explosive.

Sunset Overdrive Video Review

Sunset Overdrive launches today on the Xbox One. Hopefully you've already taken the time to read our written review of the game, detailing both the single player and co-op content. But Sunset Overdrive is a very visual game, it's exploding with color and style and while words might adequately describe the technical merits of a game, seeing the game in motion paints a more accurate picture of its glamour and chaos.

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