by Taylor Killian 0
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You wouldn't want Mr. Spacey to sick his drones on you now, would you?

Get Kevin Spacey'd In The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Launch Trailer

If there's a November, there's a Call of Duty. This year's contender for the "Devouring All The Money" award is Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, launching November 4th. Booting modernity in favor of a slightly sci-fi setting, AW aims at spicing up gameplay with all sorts of crazy future tech. We've already covered Advanced Warfare's "Exo Survival" co-op mode in this year's sequel, so let's cut to Kevin Spacey from the Uncanny Valley, issuing sinister declaratives.

by Jason Love 0
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Raymond Teo from Secret Base shares his thoughts on crafting co-op

Indie-Ana Co-Op and the Dev Stories - A Modern Arcade Experience

This month in Indie-Ana Co-Op, we hear from Devil's Dare developer Secret Base about how to balance a game for multiple players. Devil's Dare is a four player beat 'em up that takes may of its cues from the arcade games of yore. Raymond Teo, lead developer at Secret Base, takes us through his process of adjusting a game f...

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