by Nick Puleo 0
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Also three player co-op stream at 60FPS

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Where is Excalibastard?

We've got two videos for you today from a three player co-op stream we did the other night featuring Locke as Nisa, John as Claptrap, and myself have Athena in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The hour long stream showcases the area leading up to the first settlement you'll encounter, a town filled with familiar characters like Mad Moxxi and plenty of new characters too.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Screaming "Down with Xenomorphs!" isn't offensive, yet.

Aliens vs Predator 2000 FREE On GoG For Limited Time

It's been a difficult time for Aliens games as of late. Sure, Alien: Isolation might have enjoyed a few accolades recently, but Aliens: Colonial Marines just didn't live up to the hype. However, we'll forever have those precious few good games in that universe, with the most heralded being Aliens vs Predator 2000, which is now available for free on

by Taylor Killian 0
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Good to know they kept the dragons in there.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Was Built With PC First In Mind

As with most longterm gamers who have begun to make games themselves, the Dev team of Dragon Age: Inquisition wants you to know where their priorities lie. The first multiplayer Dragon Age has been designed with the PC at the center, with current gen and previous gen taking second stage. The classic strategy-combat of Origins felt right at home with a mouse and keyboard, which I vastly preferred over utilizing a controller.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Because the forest hates you, and you hate the forest.

Get Wood With this Farming Simulator 15 Trailer

Farming Simulator 15 says the best way for humankind to prove its dominance over nature is industrialized deforestation. In order to really lay the smackdown on those pesky forests, FS15 is sporting the latest in logging tech to ensure your inevitable, nearly effortless victory against those arrogant trees. Also, they have a vehicle called the "Scorpion King," which is part dune buggy, part prehensile metal jaw of death.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Both the single-player and co-op modes are looking good.

Watch 15 Minutes of Sunset Overdrive Gameplay Footage Now

Sunset Overdrive was one of the more standout titles to be featuring this year during E3, showcasing some zany and colorful gameplay that many are eager to see in action (if not for solely the online co-op modes). Thankfully, we found some epic gameplay footage from Insomniac Games featuring some of these modes that we'd love to share with everyone.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Want hectic gameplay? You got it.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions First Look at Co-op Game Types

The fast-paced, hectic gameplay of Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, besides its new 3D environments, should make any longtime fan of the Geometry Wars series excited to try the game out. Why not bring a friend along for the ride too? There will be the return of multiple game modes in Geometry Wars 3, including an online competitive multiplayer mode and a whole bunch of 4-player local co-op modes.

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