by John Bardinelli 0
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Oh well, we had some good times.

Harmonix Shuts Down Rock Band Network

Five or six years ago, you couldn't walk into someone's house without tripping over a few sets of plastic game instruments. Rock Band and Guitar Hero were everywhere, even on mobile devices, and thousands of songs were rolled out to make sure we kept pretending we were rock stars. But now, another big nail has been driven into the coffin. The Rock Band Network is dead.

by John Bardinelli 0
  • couch
Release date jumps back a week, because of speed reasons.

Sonic Boom is Faster Than We Thought

Oh Sonic, it's comforting to know you're still alive. The days of Blast Processing are long gone, but you still run around with your blue hair and weirdly large sneakers like you just don't care. The hedgehog's next appearance is scheduled for mid-November with a pair of games for Wii U and 3DS. The games were scheduled to release a week apart, but now, thanks to whatever reasons, they'll hit on exactly the same day!

by Taylor Killian 0
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Rule the Playchest

Play With these Toy Soldiers: Warchest Screens and Trailer

If Toy Story taught us anything, it's that children's toys can accomplish anything by banding together with the infinite power of friendship. Toy Soilders: War Chest aims to subvert that theme by having cherished childhood playthings blowing each other to pieces on brutal, plastic and rainbow filled battlefields. The tower defense/action game returns for the current generation, landing on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC sometime in 2015.

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