by John Bardinelli 0
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We're shocked, too!

Players Actually Use Dark Souls 2 Note System to Help Other Players

You know how philosophers are always debating if the true nature of man is to help his fellow humans or to harm them? I'll pretend you said "Hell yeah, I was JUST reading about that!" It turns out a little video game known as Dark Souls 2 might be letting some of our innate benevolent tendencies to leak out. In a world of jerks and trolls and jerktrolls, it looks like some people are actually interested in cooperation!

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation network
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A full day before the Xbox One gets its own version.

Minecraft Sneaks Onto PS4 Today

Some proud PS4 owners might notice an extra item on the PSN today. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition has finally arrived on the system in all of its cubical glory. Despite failing its Certification late last month, this version of the game beat the Xbox One's own launch by a full 24 hours. Featuring four player local co-op and eight player online, you and your friends can explore algorithmically generated words in stunning current gen definition.

by John Bardinelli 0
  • playstation 3
  • PlayStation Network
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Welcome to the slug party, PSN!

Metal Slug 3 Finally Leaps to PS4, PS3 and Vita

The undeniably awesome arcade series Metal Slug is about to spawn another nugget of entertainment on the PlayStation Network. Developer SNK Playmore has announced Metal Slug 3 is coming to PS4, PS3 and PS Vita sometime this winter. It's time to rescue some innocents the only way we know how: by shooting all the weapons!

by Tally Callahan 0
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Character trailers give specifics and show gameplay of two starter pack heroes

Iron Man and Black Widow Detailed for Disney Infinity 2.0

The release for Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes is inching ever closer. For those of you who are anticipating the game, or are considering picking it up, two new trailers have been released for two of the three characters included in the upcoming starter pack: Iron Man and Black Widow.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Plus new bosses, new items, and new touch targeting controls!

Huge Update for Android Version of Terraria Finally Adds Hardmode

In what publisher 505 Games is calling the "biggest update to date", the Android version of Terraria is about to receive a massive wad of new content. Included in the release are new items, new enemies, new biomes, new bosses, and the fan favorite HARDMODE, which we should be contractually obliged to write in all-caps from now on.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Shoot the Devil in the face.

Saints Row IV Coming to PS4 and Xbox One; Gat Out of Hell Newest Installment

The Saints Row series abandoned any pretense of sanity around the time you were hosing down business men with a septic truck, accompanied by a revolutionary French mime. It's not exactly much of a stretch to assume the newest installation in the series, Gat Out of Hell, will be anything less than completely ridiculous. A completely stand alone title, Gat Out of Hell features series regular Johnny Gat and Kinsie Kinsington breaking into Hell to rescue the Boss/President of the Saints from having to marry the devil's daughter.

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