by John Bardinelli 0
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All with a simple interface even grandma can use!

Project Spark Combines Cooperative World Building with Game Designing

Project Spark is a mad scientist's dream. The game is one part creative playground, one part game designing tool that uses a simple interface to let you shape a world from the ground up. Better still, you get to add behaviors to creatures in the environments, building a living worlds you can share with other players.

by John Bardinelli 0
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What does the fox say? (incomprehensible shrieking noise)

Just Dance 2015 Wants You Dance to the Tetris Theme with Friends

We get that you secretly like to dance in your living room. Seriously, we do. Somebody told Ubisoft this a few years ago and they kicked off the Just Dance franchise, a series that's all about dancing in front of a TV for points. The studio recently announced Just Dance 2015, and wouldn't you know it, there's a handful of co-op songs to provide embarrassment for everyone!

by Taylor Killian 0
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Pack it up, everybody. These Civilizations are done for.

Age of Empires Online is No More

Nearly three years ago, Age of Empires Online opened its doors to the public. Taking its name from one of the most beloved real time strategy games of all time, AoE:O hinged on the free-to-play system, combining both RTS and MMO elements to form a fairly unique experience. Players could team up with other Empires in order to tackle quests and achieve rewards benefiting both civilizations. None of that matters now, as of July 1st, Age of Empires Online has closed its doors for good.

by John Bardinelli 0
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We would have called it Co-oplunky, but that's just us.

Modder Adds Online Co-Op to Spelunky Classic

Old-style Spelunky plus online co-op sounds like a grand idea! A modder by the name of Vadim has been toying with Spelunky Classic's source code for a few months, backporting features from its bigger, brighter brother Spelunky HD. The best feature is actually new to the series: online-enabled co-op play for two players, all for the nice price of free!

by Nick Puleo 0
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Win Destiny Beta access

Destiny Beta Dates, Details and Giveaway

Bungie and Activision have revealed the dates for Destiny's beta test. Anyone who has the game pre-ordered is going to have access to the beta, but we're giving away 10 codes for additional access. The details on what content will be in the beta are slim, but we do know it's going to be more meaty than the alpha which took place a few weeks prior. Get ready to team up in some co-op action with two other friends.

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