by Sam Tyler 0
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Worth the wait?

Crimsonland makes it onto PS4 only 10 Years Later than the PC

The Playstation 4 is a beast of a machine, but owners of said console may find themselves playing mostly downloadable games as it is also an Indie game darling.  More independent fun is on the way on July 15th in the form of Crimsonland, a 4 player local co-op shooter that has the whiff of Geometry Wars about it, but is actually based on a 2003 PC original.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Enjoy childhood trauma with a friend!

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Three Times The Size of the Original

Who is ready to delve back into the stark naked nightmares of a terrified child masochist?! The maniacs behind The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth revealed some fairly compelling reasons why you should stop playing that filthy, filthy first edition and embrace the remake. Not that the remake is any less filthy. In fact, given the higher resolution and vast additional content, it's probably a lot filthier. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Give your friends the perfect gift: a corridor filled with demons toting rocketlaunchers.

Create Your Own Shooter In Gunscape: The FPS Creation Kit

If you stumbled by the ID@Xbox booth in Microsoft's section of E3 this year, you might have gotten a pixelated eyeful of Gunscape. You might have thought it was Minecraft running on an Xbox One, or Doom, which had somehow been sucked through a time vortex into modern day. It might surprise you, then, that Gunscape is a terribly ambitious project spearheaded by those crazy theorists down at Blowfish Studios.

by Christopher Metz 0
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New character variants brought to you by Aquafina Flavorsplash!

Garden Warfare's 'Tactical Taco Party Pack' DLC Hits Xbox Live Tomorrow

A brand new DLC is hitting Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare tomorrow, known as the "Tactical Taco Party Pack"! Co-op players will be glad to hear that Garden Ops will also be getting some new content to keep the zombie waves at bay. Going live tomorrow, July 1st, on Xbox One and Xbox 360, the "Tactical Taco Party Pack" w...

by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for June, 2014

E3 was this month, as if you couldn't tell by the lot of top stories that are featured below, so there's lots of good content you may have missed during an extremely busy E3. So please have a look below and check out some of the interesting stories about co-op video games you might have missed for the month of June, 2014.

by Taylor Killian 0
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In The Boss We Trust

Saints Row IV: National Treasure Edition Coming July 8th

If you somehow missed out on the Superpowered Presidency of Saints Row IV, or never got around to playing their increasingly bizarre truckload of DLC, fear not. Saints Row IV: National Treasure Edition is on its way July 8th for $30. National Treasure Edition comes with all 29 DLC packs those fools put out. You can check out the official website for all the info related to the new edition, but be sure to confirm your age first.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 4
  • couch
First Person Wise-Cracking

Blue Estate Out On PS4 Now

Every once in a while, a game will materialize into existence solely to remind you of a genre you thought had been dead for years. For example, Blue Estate, a rail-shooter, just released on the Playstation 4. That's right! A rail-shooter. I harbor no ill will against the genre, but discovering they are still being made is like finding out your neighbor just bought a new brontosaurus.

16956 stories found