by Nick Puleo 0
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Super Informative

[E3 2014] - Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Video Interview

Last year Disney launched their game Infinity to go head to head with Activision's Skylanders. With years of franchises in their pocket and countless new ones like Marvel and Star Wars it's easy to see the battle for the toy based videogame has just begun. At E3 2014 we talked about the newest game in the series, which focuses on Marvel properties like The Avengers and Spider-Man.  It's got a long name, but Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes is coming out shortly.

by Nick Puleo 0
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We chat with Insomniac's CEO

[E3 2014] - Sunset Overdrive Video Interview with Ted Price

One of the great pleasures of E3 for me personally was being able to chat with Insomniac Games' CEO Ted Price about their game Sunset Overdrive. The Xbox One exclusive was shown in a big way at the convention, with advertising in every hotel room and a giant inflatable "Fizzy" that answered questions in the South Hall lobby. The biggest surprise for us was the game's 8 player co-op mode which was on the show floor. We talked with Ted about that and some of the game's inspirations, weapons, and what to expect when it launches this fall.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Locke says - "Buy Destiny"

[E3 2014] - Destiny Video Interview with Jason Sussman

Prior to our hands on time with Destiny at E3 2014 with got to chat with Destiny's Senior Environment Artist, Jason Sussman. We chatted about all things within the game, first and foremost, the game's co-op gameplay. On top of that we learn a bit about the history of the game, just how long it's been in development, and perhaps a few surprising features we haven't realized Destiny has. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Starring everyone's favorite buddy cops: Detective Master Chief and Investigator Arbiter.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Co-Op Explained

It's nearly time to wrangle up your posse and relive the glory days of cracking Covenant skulls in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. But with four different games to plow through, how many of your homies will be able to join you through Mr. Chief's magical journey? Fear not, intrepid Space Marines: I have the answers you seek.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Companion app co-op, story details, and co-op functionality

[E3 2014] - The Division Interview with Martin Hultberg

We headed to the top of Ubisoft's E3 booth with Martin Hultberg, IP Developer at Ubisoft Massive to talk Tom Clancy's The Division. Who are the player characters and how can players change the world through their actions? I find out how the hud relates to those who you're playing with, and how you can coordinate your strategic plans with allies. And we dive into how playing on the tablet will provide a full experience of the game. Check it out: 

by Nick Puleo 0
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Bright lights, take the shot.

[E3 2014] - Sniper Elite 3 Video Interview with Michael How

The Sniper Elite series is one of those underrated co-op games out there. It seems to slip under the radar whenever a new version is released, perhaps, it's fitting given the thematic nature of the games. This year though the 3rd full game in the series, Sniper Elite 3,  is really stepping things up with plenty of new co-op options. Full campaign co-op and survival for two players set in the North African campaign of World War 2. There will be kill cams, oh yes, there will.

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