by Nick Puleo 0
And...we're done.

[E3 2014] - And That's a Wrap (Up Video)

And with this post, E3 2014 has finally come to a close for Co-Optimus. Two weeks after the show ended we're finally done writing, editing, and talking about all the great games we saw in Los Angeles this year. We've put out over 20 videos with exclusive interviews with developers and hands on impressions with games. We've written over 30 hands on previews of the co-op titles we saw at the show and we've posted countless other announcements and media for your pleasure.

by Nick Puleo 0
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[E3 2014] - Broin' Out with the Bro Force Developers

A lot of our interviews at E3 were informative and engaging. We chatted with developers, producers, artists and more about games they were extremely passionate about being a part of. Then there was the folks from Free Lives. Not only were these folks passionate about the game they were creating, Broforce, they were fun, relaxed, and ready to rock and roll. We went into that trailer tired from E3, we left it ready to battle for America.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Hope your HDD has the space

Sniper Elite 3 Has 16GB Day One Patch on Xbox One

While Sniper Elite 3 will see day one patches on other platforms, none will be larger than the massive 16GB download for Xbox One. What's the deal here? Well Rebellion continued to improve the game after completing a finished version of the game. snapped a screenshot of the install. A huge chunk of the update is to...

by Nick Puleo 0
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We unveil the games that impressed us, the one that took the crown

[E3 2014] - The Co-Op Game of Show Awards

We're finally wrapping up all of our E3 2014 coverage. Locke is putting the finishing touches on the last few video interviews, and all the writing previews are officially done. It was an amazing show for Co-Optimus; one in which we got to see over 25 co-op games. Every year we nominate games that exemplify co-op gameplay, and show the greatest potential for fun for gamers. This year we've got seven games nominated with only one winner.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Blow a hole in it.

[E3 2014] - Rainbow Six Siege Video Interview with Andrew Witts

Rainbow Six Siege was a surprise announcement of the show, a reboot of Patriots, Siege was unveiled at E3 2014 but only shown in a 5vs5 multiplayer format. At first we were worried, would the Rainbow Six games we loved turn into some sort of competitive only franchise? Fret not, Locke dug deep in his interview with designer Andrew Witts and got the goods on what we can expect from Rainbow Six Siege when it launches next year. 

by Justin Reynolds 0
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It's all about the music

[E3 2014] - Hands (and Arms) on with Fantasia: Music Evolved

One of the things I loved most about Fantasia: Music Evolved is that it truly is about the music. From watching trailers and gameplay you may think the concentration is on dancing, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, I'd argue you don't dance at all. A music game that requires Kinect but isn't a dancing game? It's true. And it's pretty fun too. 

by Nick Puleo 0
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Family friendly platforming

[E3 2014] - JuJu Video Interview with Flying Wild Hog

JuJu was actually the first game we got our hands on with at E3 2014, the two player co-op platformer features a cuddly teddy bear like character named JuJu and meerkat like sidekick named Pejo as they team up for some platforming adventures in a colorful world. Justin sat down with a few of the devs from the team and chatted about the design, inspirations and what we can expect for co-op play.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Towering above the competition

[E3 2014] - Defense Grid 2 Video Interview with Hidden Path's Jeff Pobst

One of my personal pleasures and surprises of E3 2014 was Defense Grid 2. I got a chance to play some co-op in the game with Hidden Path Entertainment's CEO Jeff Pobst and then chat with him about what it's like to design a co-op tower defense game. We touch on the Kickstarter that launched it all and the importance of having couch co-op play in a game like this.

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