by Taylor Killian 0
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A talking sword sure would get annoying.

Sacred 3 Release Date Announced; Weapon Spirits Explained

Looks like the long, long development for Sacred 3 is finally coming to an end. It's felt like ages since we had some hands-on lovin' for the game at PAX 2012, and now we'll have a chance to play it for reals. Expect to wrap up your summer hacking and slashing bad dudes all the way across Ancaria. Deep Silver has announced Sacred 3 will drop for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on August 5th of this year. 

by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Opticast Episode 126: The E3 2014 Preview Episode

Locke, Nick, Justin and Taylor preview this year's upcoming E3. The crew predicts the big announcements coming from the press conferences and takes a look at what was already announced. After that here what co-op games are on tap as we reveal our exclusive schedule!

by Jason Love 0
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A game looking to unite players through a different kind of story

Puzzle Co-Op Adventure Inbound in Together: Amna & Saif

New indie developer Mount Olympus Games, headed by Lyle Cox, has a vision for gaming. Rather than a new FPS shoot thriller, or hack-n-slash loot fest, they want to make games that "benefit society... We want players lives to be better for having played my games." Their first attempt at this is Together: Amna & Saif, a cooperative puzzle platformer where "you can't complete anything by yourself" and players "will need to communicate and co-operate with each other to progress."

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