by Nick Puleo 0
  • playstation network
  • couch
Two games, two graphical options, two player co-op.

R-Type Dimensions Out on PSN Today

Tozai Games is releasing a compliation of the first two R-Type games on PSN today. Called R-Type Dimensions players can get their hands on the classic side scrolling arcade SHMUP. If the name sounds familiar, another version of the game was released back in 2009 on Xbox Live Arcade. Sadly the online co-op mode that was present in that version isn't present here, instead you are relegated to two player local co-op.

by Taylor Killian 0
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That's a lot of dosh.

Killing Floor Turns 5; Game Stats Revealed

Put on your party hats and fire wildly into a crowd of shambling horrors, preferably in slow motion. Killing Floor has just celebrated its fifth year since release, and Tripwire Interactive has scoured their databases to give us some stats on their zombie-slaughtering co-op survival horror. And really, who doesn't love huge info ...

by Taylor Killian 0
  • xbox one
  • couch
Get ready to wade through 4 games worth of grunts.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Rumored for Xbox One

Are you longing to relive the magic of those original Halo games, yet your cherished copies were stolen by wolves, or some other woodland creature? Weep not, friends. Rumors have it that you'll be able to once again experience the delight of mowing down thousands of Covenant as your favorite seven foot tall space marine and his freaky alien buddy in glorious current gen graphics.

by Justin Reynolds 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
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  • xbox one
  • online
Will Destiny change the FPS genre forever?

New Trailer Shares Everything You Need to Know about Destiny

Bungie makes no small claim when it comes to Destiny, their upcoming first person shooter for current and previous Xbox and PlayStation consoles. In a new trailer with PlayStation, members of the community and development teams discuss how Destiny will change the rules when it comes to the FPS genre you've grown to know and love. 

by Sam Tyler 0
  • playstation 3
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  • playstation 4
  • xbox one
  • online
Try saying that three times fast

The Edition With a Long Name: Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition Trailer

Diablo 3 rocked, so much so that Co-Optimus gave it co-op game of the year, but do you know what rocks even more?  An edition that has both Diablo 3 and the DLC Reaper of Souls in one.  This edition is succinctly called Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition and a gameplay trailer for the PS4 version can be found here.

by Christopher Metz 0
  • xbox live arcade
  • pc
  • playstation network
  • couch
Red robots are our favorite kind of robots.

Ronimo Introduces Sentry-X58 in Awesomenauts Patch 2.4

Just a few days ago, Ronimo released their latest updates to Awesomenauts and their Starstorm expansion DLC, Patch 2.4! Through this update, are introduced to the third new playable character: Sentry-X58 (simply known as "Sentry"). A red robot with a strange fetish for telephones, Sentry is an extremely good character with a wide range of...

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