by Taylor Killian 0
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Decorative demon skulls can spruce up any abode.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II gets a New Features Trailer

Good ol' Van is nearly ready for his next bout of bad guy wrangling, with The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II launching on the 22nd of May. The first game was a neat experience that ran out of steam around the 12 hour mark. Luckily for us, Mr. Helsing is bringing some new tricks of the monster hunting trade to the table to really get the upper hand on all those mythical beasts.

by Taylor Killian 0
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More Bullets! More Katanas! More Gore! More DOSH!

Killing Floor 2 Announced

Think your crack team of British Special Forces agents can stand against an endless horde of science experiments gone awry, again? Our friends down at PC Gamer have revealed Tripwire's sequel to their over the top co-op horror game: Killing Floor 2. With what's being touted as "the most complicated gore system in gaming," the second installment is a higher budget product with more of everything that makes Killing Floor so great. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Wait, what?

Shaq is Back in Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn

A long, long time ago, way back in the year 1994, there was a little game called Shaq Fu. Starring the colossal basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, Shaq Fu was a truly atrocious 2d fighter clearly made in a last-minute effort to milk Mr. O'Neal's vast popularity. The moves were finicky even by the standards of the day and the controls were unresponsive garbage. Everyone hated it then, and it has transformed from a dumb, bad fighter into a joke spanning the range of human consciousness.

by Nick Puleo 0
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The crew dives into this pixely-shooter

Mercenary Kings - Shootin and Lootin in 4 Player Co-Op Stream

It may have been out for a month, but the Co-Opticrew haven't had a chance to give Mercenary Kings it's fair shake. Mike, Locke, Jason and Nick decided to take the game for a spin to see what it has to offer. Parts SHMUP, part RPG, all pixely shooting goodness - Mercenary Kings oozes styles at every corner and offers up a unique blend of open ended missions.

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