by Nick Puleo 0
A bit late, sorry!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for April, 2014

So it appears I've been slipping on posting the summaries of popular co-op news, features and games for 2014. Heck, I've even missed the end of April by a few days. For that, I apologize. Here are some of the top stories, features and games for April, 2014 including coverage of PAX East.

by Taylor Killian 0
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No more entry fee!

Defiance Going Free-To-Play in June

Trion Worlds have announced the MMO shooter, Defiance, is abandoning the one-time purchase fee and adopting an entirely free-to-play system on PC and PS3. While it never required a monthly fee, those interested in playing the SyFy show tie-in game no longer need to purchase the product. Simply install, strap on the biggest guns you can find, and hose down alien scum. The free-to-play model launches June 4th on Steam, with a PS3 fix to be "following shortly."

by Sam Tyler 0
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Loot 'em, then shoot 'em

It is Your Destiny to Watch this Dev Diary

Bungie's 4 player online co-op shooter Destiny is looking a sight for sore eyes.  The recent gameplay video allowed you to bask in its majesty, but what about those people who want to know a little bit more?  The new Development Diary may just help.  It includes new footage of the game, but also information on the multitude of weapons and loot available in the game.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 3
  • playstation network
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  • couch
You're gonna need a whole lot of canaries.

Spelunky Heads to the PS4

The more Spelunky is in our lives, the better. Apparently the folks at Sony agree with me, and have announced the challenging cave-diving game for the Playstation 4. Now, PS4 owners can enjoy the miracle that is Spelunky on their own machines. Is there anything better than being trapped in a cave at the mercy of ancient traps, colossal spiders, and easily enraged merchants armed with shotguns? That's the recipe for fun right there.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 3
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  • online
Making skeleton murder into art.

Hellraid Gets a Next Gen Makeover Trailer

Techland is finally ready to announce their brand new engine for Hellraid, the Chrome Engine 6. Finally, the undead-brutalizing combat we all know and love can be rendered in glorious next-gen graphics. While the official release date for PC, PS4, and Xbox One is still a mystery, the four-person first person hack-and-slash is aiming for a launch on Steam's Early Access sometime this autumn.

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