by Justin Reynolds 0
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Here's a little song I wrote... about killing zombies

Typing of the Dead: Overkill Brings Gore to the Dance Floor

We love Typing of The Dead: Overkill's wacky style. When the original launched, typing phrases like "Ample buxom" and "Is it too late to shake hands" always had us giggle as we shot off the heads of various zombies. Then the Shakespeare DLC was released and we were suddenly trading horses for zombies heads (instead of kingdoms) all while washing blood off our hands. When things couldn't get any better, the Silver Screen DLC dropped and we were typing our favorite one liners from Apocalypse Now and Die Hard. Just when we thought developer Modern Dream reached the top, they go one step further. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Concept art goes in, levels come out.

See how Child of Light was Made

If you are at all interested in how Child of Light came together, you're in luck. The passionate team at Ubisoft has put together a web series with the designers, artists, and programmers all talking about the story, design elements, and style of their much-loved project. They even throw in a little about the co-op play! If you have functioning eyes, you need to check this thing out.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Details on cooperative play for those without the expansion

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Launch Trailer, Co-Op Info

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls launches next week on PC. The expansion pack for the core game expands on the already existing major changes we saw in the Loot 2.0 patch, adding in a new Act to the game and a new character class, the Crusader. Blizzard have put together a new trailer for the game highlighting some of the other enhancements like adventure mode, higher level cap, and new skills for all classes.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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It's not co-op, it's bro-op.


Free to play games usually come with a catch. Whether it’s microtransactions, ads, or just a beta in disguise, it’s rare to find a genuinely fun experience that costs you nothing. BOSSES FOREVER 2.BRO on OUYA is one of those exceptions, providing an entertainment value for two players at no cost that rivals that of many p...

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