by Nick Puleo 0
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A free to play experience

Dead Island: Epidemic Co-Op Impressions

When Dead Island: Epidemic was announced, many scoffed at the change in genre for the franchise. Deep Silver, looking to capitalize on the free to play market, have created a game that blends their series with MOBAs and to some degree, action RPGs. To our surprise there's also a dedicated co-op horde mode built into the game for four players. As these impressions are based on early beta versions of the game, a lot of this could change, but there's a good base here to get an idea what Deep Silver has planned. 

by Marc Allie 0
Everybody scream!

Tabletop Co-Op: Dead Panic

Way back before Tabletop Co-Op was a regular feature here at Co-Optimus, we covered boardgames every once in a while in our Casual Fridays column, dedicated to family/kid friendly games. One of the first cooperative board games we discussed was Castle Panic, a great game for adults and kids alike reminiscent of the tower defense genre. Today, we wi...

by Taylor Killian 0
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Not just fodder anymore!

Skeleton Smarts: Enemy AI Explained in New Hellraid Trailer

The undead enthusiasts making Hellraid want you to believe in the power of skeletons to work together as a team. We are all acutely aware just how coordinated skeletons can be. That is to say, as coordinated as a bunch of shambling bones with no brains can possibly be. Or, if they do have brains, they probably aren't in any state to produce thought. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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How things have changed since the Left 4 Dead Days

Turtle Rock Founder Talks Evolve's Co-Op

The folks down at Turtle Rock Studios take co-op very seriously. They'd have to, given they were the developers of Left 4 Dead, which is one of the cornerstones of recent co-op titles. Turtle Rock isn't about to rest on their laurels by making Evolve a four player zombie genocide simulator, however. Innovation drives the industry, of course.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Watch Devs open and shut car doors!

Tom Clancy's The Division's Snowdrop Engine Explained

It's no secret that Tom Clancy's The Division looks incredible. Not just from a visual standpoint, but also on a technical level. Bullets blaze through cop car windows and leave bullet holes, not just blasting out the glass entirely. Likewise, your agent will thoughtfully shut said cop car doors as they are taking cover behind it. No idea why they feel the need to prioritize that while being shot at. Maybe they're just trying to keep the "door open" light off.

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