by Sam Tyler 0
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From 10th December more co-op, yes please

Defiance Arkbreaker DLC Opens Story Co-op

Defiance is a mixed bag of a game, if you like open world shooters that allow you to eventually co-operate with up to 4 pals you are in luck.  If you find downloading 4GB every time you log on annoying, then you are not.  This time the update will be worth downloading as it contains the Arkbreaker DLC that opens up all the story missions to co-op.

by Taylor Killian 0
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It's hard not to be naughty in Steelport

Help the Saints Save Christmas in the Upcoming DLC

Holiday themed DLC really helps set the mood of the season, especially if you're in the mood to blast giant robot nutcrackers this Christmas. The next DLC for Saints Row IV is "How the Saints Save Christmas" launching this December 11th. It's always fun to see how video game characters celebrate different holidays, and the Saints are known for going all out when it comes to festive partying. Of course, when you're cruising the mean streets of Steelport, a "ho ho ho" is something completely different.

by Nick Puleo 2
  • playstation 4
  • couch

Knack Co-Op Review

When you launch a console you want a good variety of games to launch with it. You need something for the hardcore shooter audience. You need a racing game, an arcade game, and of course the sports games. With these all covered there's a big market you want to hook, and that's the family gaming market. Knack is Sony's intended answer to ...

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