by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 4
PS4 in Europe, Big Sales, Neverland shutters, and Persona Overload

Beyond Co-Op - November 24th through November 30th, 2013

Welcome to Beyond Co-Op, the weekly feature about video games you can play without the company of other sentient beings. Both the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One are out here in the states, and the PS4 made its way to Europe on the 29th. Steam makes a compelling point for not needing a brand new console with the Steam Fall / Spring Sale, and with this being a big holiday week in the US, we turn to our friends in Japan for some noteworthy news.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox one
Next-Generation, On

Xbox One Review

It's been well established that the Xbox One reveal wasn't one that went over very well with core gamers. And while there were numerous missteps along the way, Microsoft has gone to great lengths to claw their way back into (most) gamer's good graces. The Xbox One is out and Microsoft's vision of the future of console gaming is in m...

by Christopher Metz 0
  • xbox live arcade
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  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online
Finish out the year with two fantastic co-op titles, for free!

Grab Gears of War and Shoot Many Robots for Free via 'Games With Gold'

While Black Friday shopping is going on, we don’t want our co-op gamers out there to forget that some solid co-op games can be downloaded for free very soon. Any and all Gold Members can grab both Gears of War and Shoot Many Robots via the “Games With Gold” program on Xbox LIVE.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
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  • online
Time to blow up EVERYTHING

Saints Row 4 Elements of Destruction DLC out now

Do you ever feel your superhero gangster power fantasy just doesn't have enough power? Volition has decided that being able to fly and launch fireballs out of your hands not quite powerful enough, and seek to rectify the issue with the new "Elements of Destruction" DLC pack for Saints Row 4. You and your homies are given a greater arsenal of devastating new abilities to further sweep up the streets of Steelport that all center around the theme of explosions. And in Saints Row, everything is already exploding all the time.

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