by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Opticast Episode 114: The Steam Machine Episode

It\'s been far to long since we\'ve talked. But we\'re back. Sadly there wasn\'t much to talk about in our absence, instead we waited until we had an episode chock full of content. Steam OS? Got that. Steam Machines? Got those too. Gameplay impressions of Takedown, GTA V, Guild Wars 2 content? Yup - all here. We\'ve also got a brand new format - ask questions LIVE when we broadcast. Check our Google plus page for details.

by Taylor Killian 2
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • pc
  • online
Leaked beta footage from Japan shows you what you are in for.

Dark Souls 2 Beta beginning October 12

October just got a lot more scary. The beta for Dark Souls II launches October the 12th for PS3 users. Of course, you'd know if you were in it by now since invites went out on October 8th. If you are not one of the unlucky fools who have to plunge into that terrifying world before the rest of us, don't worry! A second wave of beta invites will be sent out on the 22nd for access on the 26th. And for anyone that dodges that bullet, March is just a few months away.

by Justin Reynolds 0
  • playstation 3
  • couch
Check out this dramatic launch trailer and experience the title this week

Beyond: Two Souls Launch Trailer is Here

If you’re a David Cage fan then the moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here. Beyond: Two Souls has hit the shelves and is accompanied by an appropriately dramatic and enticing launch trailer. The trailer offers little in terms of new developments, opening with  Jodie joining the CIA’s military school and offering a glimpse into her training, a familiar seen that has been in most of the game's marketing thus far. 

by Christopher Metz 0
  • couch
Moving at the speed of sound?

Hands on Impressions with Sonic Lost World

I’m probably one of the few gamers out there that still defend the Sonic the Hedgehog brand to this day, so I was excited to see if both Sega and Nintendo could make this title the next stage for the franchise. Over the last few months, Sonic Lost World has been compared with the Super Mario Galaxy titles over and over again, in that Sonic travels between various planetoids to reach the end goal. But all I was curious to see was: does the game stay true to Sonic as a character?

by Christopher Metz 0
  • nintendo
  • couch
It's never felt more right to "monkeying around" than now.

Hands on Impressions with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is the second in the modern Donkey Kong Country series, following Donkey Kong Country Return’s success on both the 3DS and Wii. We had a chance to try out the game via a meeting with Nintendo and relive the glory days of Donkey Kong on the SNES, and we certainly weren’t disappointed with what we saw....

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