by Taylor Killian 0
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Now you'll have to rely on shady goldfarming sites to buy your loot

Diablo 3's Auction Houses to be Shut Down Next Year

Blizzard announced today that it plans to close both the gold and the real money auction houses for Diablo 3 early next year. A core mechanic of Diablo's gameplay has always been the acquisition of sweet loot, and Blizzard felt that having an auction house diminished the rewarding nature of obtaining newer and better gear.

by Justin Reynolds 13
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Buy a game on this gen and easily trade up for the next gen version

Microsoft's Upgrade Plan Makes Your Game Purchasing Decisions a Little Easier

There’s always a hard choice of what generation console to buy a game on during the transition into a new breed of technology and hardware. Do you grab the game on the current gen, as the developer is likely more comfortable with the hardware? Or do you go big and get it on the newest platform to enjoy the improved graphics and features? That...

by Jason Love 2
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Shadows of the Dead is adding a lot to a FTP with a lot already

Warframe Receives New Space Ninjas and More

You may recall from our recent "Free to Play Week" at Co-Optimus a little game called Warframe, a third-person game with John Woo action and space ninjas. While getting the in-game weapon and frames can be something of a grind, with a pretty steep paywall, the overall gameplay is pretty awesome. If you're one of the folks that's been playing since the game's release last March, though, you're probably itching for some new content. Update 10, titled "Shadows of the Dead," has got you covered.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Gearbox cannot keep the truth hidden!

Furious 4 Gameplay Footage Leaked, Then Removed.

It's been a weird path for Furious 4 ever since the E3 announcement in 2011. Starting out as a Brothers in Arms game before spinning off onto its own IP, then going dark sometime last year, Gearbox has been pretty quiet about their upcoming four player co-op Nazi shooter. It looks like they intend to keep it that way. A video of alleged gameplay footage found its way onto the internet via a Demo Reel from special effects artist Nick Peterson, before those info tyrants at Gearbox tore it down.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Honor Johnny Gat or head to the Wild West with the newest Saints Row IV DLC packs.

Saints Row IV 'GAT V' and 'Wild West' DLC Packs Available Today

No stranger to poking fun at other games, Saints Row IV has released the GAT V DLC Pack today. Taking a jab at another huge game that launched today for console but not PC, the description of the content pack reads, “Want to buy GAT V on PC? Too bad! Because we made the GAT V pack FREE on Steam for today only!” Here’s the trailer:

by Sam Tyler 2
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The theater of life and death

Foul Play Co-op Review

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.  In the case of Baron Dashforth this is truer than most.  Foul Play is the dramatization of his real life adventures hunting daemons.  With the help of Mr Swampwick, his trusty chimney sweep cum man-at-arms; Dashforth re-enacts his greatest feats to a live audienc...

by Sam Tyler 0
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You've read about the update, now witness it with your eye globes

Terraria Update 1.2 Trailer Comes Down to Earth

There is something very satisfying about reading the details of an upcoming update for one of your favorite games, but it lacks punch.  Terraria is one of our favorite games, we gave it 4 out of 5 after all.  You've read what the new 1.2 Update is going to bring to the game, but now you can see for yourselves in the latest 1.2 trailer.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Sentiments echoed by the rest of the human race.

JJ Abrams didn't like that Star Trek game, either

JJ Abrams, the director behind Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness, stated that he was “emotionally hurt” by the recent Star Trek video game. The director noted that he and his team were involved in the project when it was first in development, but backed off when they all realized the direction the game was taking. That was probably the right move. The two player co-op game garnered overwhelmingly negative reviews shortly before the release of the second movie.

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