by Taylor Killian 4
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No word on the effects of bullets to the brain, however.

Takedown: Red Sabre Teaches You about Bullet to Concrete Relations

Takedown: Red Sabre just couldn't let you go without another launch trailer before it drops the 20th of this month on XBLA and PC. Following in the footsteps of Rainbow Six, Takedown sprinkles a dash of tactics to the standard FPS. Teams of six to eight players will infiltrate and pick off enemies in non-linear levels, making effective communication a must. Rampaging through the level and tossing out lead like candy will only result in you taking several shots to the dome. You and your team will need to outmaneuver the enemies before eliminating them in order to maintain the element of surprise.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Extremely Alternate History

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 Aiming for 2013

Most everyone with any sense of morality uses the terms “Nazi” and “Zombie” with equal derision. Well, Rebellion Studios has done us all a favor and combined the two for the second time in Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2, pushing for launch later this year. Everybody knows the secret to making zombies even more despicable is slapping swastikas all over their trench coats and teaching them to goosestep while gargling Wagner.

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