by Sam Tyler 1
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In life you should plow your own furrow, but not in Farm Sim 2013

Farming Simulator 2013's Other Launch Trailer Has Just the Right Amount of Cowbell

Massive powerful engines.  Lean, muscular chaps and chapesses.  This isn't the launch trailer for the new Need for Speed, but Farming Simulator 2013 on 360 and PS3.  The game is going to allow you and up to 9 pals to get their hands on a brand new Combine Harvester and a brand new key.

by Christopher Metz 6
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Yep, this one can only be played as co-op or in mass multiplayer.

No Single Player Available in PvZ: Garden Warfare, Pricings Revealed

Recently announced by EA, there are no plans to bring a single player mode to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, meaning that there’s more room for the multiplayer and co-op experiences to be expanded upon and develop. I touched upon this in our most recent Beyond Co-Op article, where I mentioned EA’s future “free-to-play&...

by Christopher Metz 0
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Grab great co-op games for 50% (plus) off now!

Check Out the XBLA 'Back to School Sale' Featuring Many Half Off Co-Op Titles

A ton of Xbox Live Arcade titles just went on sale to close out the summer and begin the fall season. What’s even better is that many of them have great co-op modes! Head on to the Marketplace today to see what you can buy for fantastic prices. The “Back to School Sale” is currently underway on the Xbox Live Marketplace, wi...

by Taylor Killian 1
  • playstation vita
Some Teensies Went Missing With Them

Update: Rayman Legends "Invasion Levels" Missing on Vita Version

Rayman’s legs, arms, and neck are not the only things missing from Rayman Legends on the PS Vita. 28 levels were reported excised from the Michel Ansel designed game after observant fans noticed a significant decrease in the total number of collectibles. The amount of collectible Teensies has been reduced to 615, as opposed to the console and...

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Entertain the crowd and claim your fame.

Enter the Coliseum with a Friend in Ryse: Son of Rome

Xbox One launch exclusive, Ryse: Son of Rome, will feature an online multiplayer co-op mode called "Gladiator". Two players can team up to fight hordes of enemies in one of 11 maps as the crowd cheers on the slaughter. All multiplayer takes place in a Coliseum, which features a shifting tile system so no two matches are the same.  Tiles shift to change the battle and offer punishing incentives to players, such as spike traps, fire traps, and catapults.

by Sam Tyler 0
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Roll a 16 or above for the game to get a Wii U release

Chronicles of Mystara Magics onto Wii U Sept 5th

Like a fine wine or particularly stubborn piece of special toffee, the Wii U version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara has benefited from being left for a while.  360, PS3 and PC owners have had the game for several months and gloried in its 4 out of 5 four player co-op.  Wii U owners now get their chance on September 5th.

by Taylor Killian 0
Put your faith in barbed wire.

Dead Sky Shambles Forward This October

If you’ve ever had the wild desire to observe your own meager defenses overrun by piles of rotting, ambulatory flesh, then you’re in luck! Shorebound Studios, of Spectraball fame, is offering you and your friends this exact experience with Dead Sky, a top down tower defense/shooter out on PC, Mac, and Linux in October of this year. Finally, you can watch on in disbelief as zombies tear across your previously impenetrable barricade and feast on your allies’ succulent, pink brains.

by Taylor Killian 1
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Seventy freak'n two, people!

Borderlands 2 DLC Beefs the Level Cap to 72

It’s almost as if Gearbox is afraid to stop shoveling DLC towards the monster that is Borderlands 2, perhaps fearing it will turn and devour its former master. So, once again, get ready to reload your most beloved automatic weapon and journey back to the sun-baked world of Pandora. "The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge" drops on September 3rd, for $4.99 on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, and Mac.

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