by Marc Allie 3
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Whole lotta content goin' on

Borderlands 2 Gets Game of the Year Edition

Sometimes, being a gamer on a budget has its advantages. A recent trend for AAA titles has been a refresh for retail that bundles in a bunch of extras. Often, these bundles are packaged as Game of the Year editions (and wow, there are a LOT of games of the year, who knew?) and go on to become long-term additions to store shelves. Like Borderlands before it, Borderlands 2 is also getting the Game of the Year treatment. 

by Nick Puleo 1
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4 Player Co-Op Vehicles in Tow

Defiance's "Castithan Charge Pack " is Out Now

It feels like it's been a while since we've talked about Defiance, the MMO-esque game launched by Trion World earlier this year on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. When it launched we found there was a lot to like about the game, especially the dynamic co-op elements, but after some launch issues the game feels like it's gone quiet. Now a new premium pack of DLC is available which adds content and hopefully life to the game.

by Jason Love 2
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Accelerate your co-op progression for just a few dollars, if you want

Ryse: Son of Rome Filled with Microtransaction "Goodness"

It feels like not that long ago that we learned that the seemingly quick-time frenzy that is Ryse: Son of Rome would include a co-op mode where players can team up in arena combat situations. While this particular mode wasn't on display when announced, it's gotten demoed a bit more recently at various events and there's an interesting bit of news regarding this co-op mode. Specifically, it will feature everybody's favorite: microtransactions! Yay!

by Nick Puleo 17
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Does brand loyalty even matter?

Resetting the Console Wars - Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Get a Fresh Start

The upcoming generation of consoles, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 specifically, feel a bit like an old school console war. The mud slinging, slight of hand, and jabs between Sony and Microsoft remind us of Nintendo and Sega from the Genesis and SNES era. But are fans sticking in the corner of their favorite console manufacturer?

by Nick Puleo 0
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Yeee-haw. Squish.

Drive Farm Equipment over Zombies in Splatter - Just Harder Times

As a fan of top-town, twin-stick shooters, it often makes me sad to see the genre not get the respect it deserves. The likes of the genre saw a resurgence thanks to the explosion of download services like Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, and of course Steam. Still, sometimes it's hard to find a solid co-op, twin-stick experience. The debut title from developer DreamWorlds is called Splatter - Just Harder Times, and like the genre the game is set in, this is a twin-stick top down AND a zombie game.

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