The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Coming to PS4, Vita, Steam
It's official: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will be making its way to non-PC platforms. To play it, just stay alive until early next year.
It's official: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will be making its way to non-PC platforms. To play it, just stay alive until early next year.
The last we heard about Dark Souls II was Andrew's E3 impressions of the game (spoiler: he loved it) and a few videos. For some, March 2014 likely seems a long way off. For others, March doesn't seem quite far enough... At any rate, Namco Bandai has released another teaser to whet your appetite.
Amidst all the excitement of launch dates of the next gen consoles and launch line ups, there are plenty more games under development for the one gaming platform that never dies: PCs. Publisher 1C Company and developer Digitalmindsoft have recently announced the next game in their Men of War series, Men of War: Assault Squad 2. Still taking place during the height of hostilities of World War II, Men of War: Assault Squad 2 offers a fair deal of improvements and enhancements over the original.
We broke down the trailer for Grand Theft Auto V a few weeks back. It showcased some pretty extensive footage of the single player game, which surprisingly, looked like a co-op game. But it wasn't. The end of the trailer teased something multiplayer and today we've got THAT trailer. While it's not exactly a pure co-op experience, it definitely has the potential to be a solid co-op experience. It's called Grand Theft Auto Online and it sounds incredibly ambitious.
PlayStation Vita’s co-op library grows seemingly stronger by the day, especially after hearing this bit of news from Gamescom. Officially announced by Sony, Borderlands 2 is to arrive for the handheld platform within the next year! During the 2K and Gearbox Gamescom conference, their highly acclaimed co-op title was revealed to be comi...
Hammerwatch is a tough game. Even with three levels of difficulty, customizable gameplay modifiers, and four talented players at the helm of four unique character classes, you'll get no quarter from this retro-styled arcade RPG....
We were surprised to learn that Ryse: Son of Rome had a co-op mode at E3 earlier this year. When the game was shown it had an almost Call of Duty vibe to it, but with a bit less on the gameplay front. Now straight out of Gamescom is the unveiling of actual gameplay from the two player co-op mode which puts players in the shoes of a gladiator.
Microsoft have revealed the launch lineup of Xbox One game today with 23 titles scheduled to be available on the system. The actual launch date itself wasn't revealed though. Here's the list of what you'll be able to buy Day 1, with the co-op titles in bold and linked. Rumored co-op titles are italicized.
A fantastic co-op shooter known as Payday 2 is now out in stores and we’re absolutely love playing it here at Co-Optimus. Still, we can’t help but wonder what other sorts of additional content might come to the game in the future. Luckily, developer Overkill filled us in on some of their plans currently in the works. The Safe Hou...
There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to any game, and in the case of Disney Infinity, those pieces have a basis in the physical world as well as the 1s and 0s of the digital one. Unfortunately, those moving pieces don't always work as intended. There are several PS3 users reporting that the game is having issues of the "freezing up and not working" variety as soon as a figure is placed onto the Infinity base. Fortunately, there's a temporary fix.
This week we have two very different games played from the third person perspective. We have a stealthy spy game and an open world chaos simulator. Pick your poison, save the world --or wreck it. Your choice.
Tales of Xillia, the latest Tales game released in the West, has been eagerly anticipated by JRPG fans due to its critical acclaim in the East. Does it live up to all the hype? Let’s take a look....