by Nick Puleo 3
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A new ViDoc showcases some amazing visuals and gameplay

The Wild World of Destiny is Cooperative, Dynamic, and Beautiful

Well...crap Bungie, you just made Destiny look even better. I was pretty excited for the game after seeing a hands off demonstration at E3 2013, but this video documentary? Yup, it's got all the markings of a Bungie game and really looks the most next-gen of any of the games I've seen on display.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • playstation 4
next-gen pew pew

RESOGUN is the PlayStation 4's Super Stardust HD

Super Stardust HD was one of my favorite titles on the PlayStation 3, it was easily the PlayStation equivelent of the Xbox's Geometry Wars. Its developer Housemarque have been making solid twin stick shooters for Sony, including the excellent Dead Nation. Now the PlayStation 4 will get a title from the Finnish developer called RESOGUN and it looks like a spiritual successor to SSHD.

by Nick Puleo 1
  • playstation 4
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  • couch
Pixar style graphics? Almost.

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Screens Unveiled for Skylanders Swap Force

Skylanders Swap Force is out this fall on a large quantity of platforms both current and "next-gen." While we saw what the game looks like at E3 on the current Xbox 360, we're intrigued by what future consoles hold for this style of game. Activision has sent along a handful of screenshots that showcase some pretty impressive visuals for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version of the game.

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