by Christopher Metz 2
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Bring your third-party headsets over to Xbox One via an adapter.

Microsoft Confirms Xbox One Compatibility With Current-Gen Headsets

We were once worried that our expensive third-party headsets would be thrown to the wayside when Xbox One was released. Gaming headsets heavily boost the experience quite a bit for most people, so gamers had a reason to be slightly concerned over this. Luckily, Microsoft has officially confirmed their plans to offer an adapter to accommodate those gamers’ needs.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Dead Pool, Hotline Miami, The Last of Us, Pacific Rim and 5 More!

Beyond Co-Op Reviews: August 2013

Now that we're on the new site, it's time to post a round-up of our Beyond Co-Op Reviews you might have missed. You can always find a listing of all of our BC reviews on the review page. There's also the latest BC reviews in the lower third of the front page next to our video feature. Here's what we're covering this month in single player and non co-op reviews.

by Mike Katsufrakis 2
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Hmm. Needs more skill trees.

Path of Exile Co-Op Impressions

As the resident Action-RPG expert around these parts, I felt it was my duty to cover Path of Exile during Free to Play Week, so here we are. Grinding Gear Games, an independent outfit from New Zealand got tired of the dearth of ARPGs being released at the time (back in 2010) and decided to put together one of their own. Of course, the moment they s...

by D.J. Waaland 6
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Crackdown on zombies in August

Free Xbox Live Gold Games for August Confirmed

Following in the footsteps of Sony and the Playstation Plus program, Microsoft has started offering free games for members with an XBOX Live Gold account. Well, today Major Nelson has announced the free games for the month of August. For the month of August, we will be receiving not one, not two, but three free games. Also, in case you couldn't already guess the freebies for August are cooperative titles.

by Sam Tyler 0
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Narco Terror-ific Launch Trailer

The drug trade is like a Hydra, you chop off one head, only for another two noggins to appear.  The heroes of Narco Terror plan to stop this from happening by blowing all the heads to pieces at one time.  Out now on XBLA, PSN and  PC, Narco is a 2 player local and online co-op shooter that has more guns than the Mr Universe Competition 2013.  Check out the launch trailer for your daily dose of explosions, gunfire and guitar riffs.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Were you an 80's kid? If not, don't sweat it. This game's got you covered.

Watch a Behind-the-Scenes Trailer Featuring Just Blaze on TMNT: Out of the Shadows

We sometimes forget just how important a video game’s soundtrack can set the tone. In this behind-the-scenes video, Just Blaze, producer of the game’s original soundtrack, describes the original TMNT games and cultural influences that helped to bring TMNT: Out of the Shadows a whole new perspective.

by Nick Puleo 0
Smooth sounds.

Co-Opticast Episode 111: Let's Talk Free to Play

Nick, Mike, Locke and Jason take you an epic adventure through time and space in the latest episode of the Co-Opticast. Ok, maybe not - but they do talk a lot about what they've been playing while touching on the news before diving into the meet of the episode. Free to Play games. There\'s a lot of solid ones out there so be sure to listen to some of our impressions.

by Guest Author: 0
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Conjuring up the co-op

Dragon's Crown Co-Op FAQ

Vanillaware's beautiful fantasy brawler, Dragon’s Crown, launches in a week. It’s an interesting cooperative game, to say the least. There have been some baffling design decisions when it comes to cooperative play. See our Co-Op Review for more details. Despite the co-op weirdness, it’s still a fine adventure. We’ve constructed this co-op FAQ to help your sort it all out. 

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