by D.J. Waaland 3
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You need to know Japanese to understand it, however

New Dragon's Crown Trailer Features Artwork and Gameplay

Chances are you have heard about the upcoming game from Vanillaware called Dragon's Crown in some way, shape, or form. Perhaps you are a fan of the developer, and are looking forward to the next thing they have to offer. Maybe you like side-scrolling games with lots of loot. Or, maybe you happen to be a huge fan of the gratuitous (yet breathtaking) artwork. Whatever reason you have for looking into Dragon's Crown, there is no shortage of media available. And the release is just around the corner.

by Nick Puleo 5
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The future is less annoying than loading times.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to offer Playing Games While Installing or Downloading

As we inch ever closer to the Fall release of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, we're beginning to learn more and more about the features of each respective system. While both systems will have their own unique take on features, there are some features that will be nearly identical on the two next generation consoles.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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No, the game isn't out yet.

Painkiller: Hell and Damnation DLC Listed on Xbox Live Marketplace

Painkiller: Hell and Damnation may still be over a month away from debuting on consoles, but at least we can start buying DLC now! I know how much you guys appreciate shelling out your hard-earned cash for DLC before a game comes out. In all fairness to Heaven's Hitman, the demonic fantasy shooter was supposed to drop for the 360 and PS3 back in May.

by Jason Love 1
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When life gets you down, just summon a horde of undead to do your bidding

Indie-Ana Co-Op and Jimmy's Zombie Problem

By now, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing zombies in our games. Whether it’s due to some new virus that brings the dead back to life, a biblical reckoning, or just good old fashioned dark magic, the deceased are having a hard time staying in their graves in the gaming world. TOMA (The One Man Army) Game Studio’s Jimmy vs Zombies al...

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