by Andrew Gaskill 0
Wrath of the Licensed Games

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 7.15.2013

The summer keeps going and going and going. This week we have some licensed movie games, Serious Sam gets a collection, and Dynasty Warriors spawns another sequel. In awesome news, I saw Pacific Rim over the weekend. It was better than I anticipated, but not as good as I wanted it to be. I hope it does well enough at the box office to warrant a kick-ass Voltron movie. Dare to dream. 

by Marc Allie 3

I Wanna Wok! Co-Op Board Game Wok Star on Kickstarter

While our focus here at Co-Optimus has been and always will be cooperative video games, from time to time, we cover co-op tabletop game news as well. A hard to find, out of print co-op board game, Wok Star, is in the final hours of a successful campaign on Kickstarter. The initial print run in 2010 sold out quickly, and for the second print, publisher Game Salute took the crowd funding route to get the game into more gamers' hands.

by Jason Love 2
  • pc
  • couch
  • online
Survive as long as you can with friends near and far

Sci-fi Rogue-Like Risk of Rain to Get Online Co-Op

With the multitude of games getting released these days, both from major development studios and independent ones, it's easy for a great game to go under the radar. Such was almost the case for Risk of Rain, an action/adventure platformer with rogue-like elements that supports 4 player local co-op on PC. Fortunately, Matthew Griffin of Yeti Trunk, the developers behind Wanderlust: Rebirth, shot us an email to not only bring the game to our attention, but also let us in on a bit of exciting co-op news. Specifically, that he's working with the game's developers to add online co-op to the game.

by D.J. Waaland 1
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • wii
  • couch
Better than a prize in a Cracker Jack box

New Skylanders Giants Figurines Available through Frito-Lay

Who said you couldn't get great video game freebies with your snacks? You may have recalled how Activision made a special set of Skylander figurines available through a promotion with Frito-Lay products. In much the same way, Activision has once again paired with Frito-Lay in order to offer a few limited edition sidekicks for Skylanders Giants.

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