by Andrew Gaskill 3
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Scourge: Outbreak Trailer Offers Co-Op Details

Scourge: Outbreak is available from the Xbox Live Marketplace today. The third-person sci-fi shooter focuses on squad-based co-op and the entire campaign is playable cooperatively. Gamers will take on the rolls of Echo Squad, yet another group of powered-up super soldiers who look like they popped right out the Unreal Engine 3. Amp, Mass, Shade, and Stonewall are vying to save the world from an evil terrorist organization, or mafia kingpin, or global corporation, or whatever. Does it really matter? Shoot stuff and have fun. 

by D.J. Waaland 0
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More American than apple pie

Saints Row IV Preview - My Time as Gangster in Chief

Doomsday has arrived. The terrorists have their hands on a nuclear device. As America’s only hope, you are thrust into a secret compound tasked with stopping the nuke from destroying the land you love. As you weave your way through the compound, eliminating terrorists in your cybernetic suit, you have a showdown with the boss of the operation. As you throw him into a pit of lava, you realize that it’s too late. The nuke has been launched. In your most noble sacrifice, you jump on the flying nuke, disabling it as you scale to the top. Your companions tell you how much you mean to them in your final moments. Oh yea, and Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing is playing in the background. Tell me, how much more Murican does this get?

by Christopher Metz 0
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Showing Krieg and friends some lovin',

New Krieg the Psycho and Vault Hunter Skin/Head Packs Now Available

I’d find it hard to fully initiate a member of the new Vault Hunter crew without some sort of customizable skin to adorn. Thankfully, we have a brand new batch of Borderlands 2 head and skin DLC packs have been released to accommodate those playing as Krieg the Psycho. His friends also get some too, so don’t worry about being left out here.

by Andrew Gaskill 2
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POTUS kicks ass

10 Minutes of Saints Row IV, Pre-Order Outfits Announced, Australian Version Gets De-Violenced

Saints Row IV is looking, well, it's looking a lot like Saints Row: The Third: -- purple-clad nonsense wrapped in explosive profanity and jubilant violence. So it's looking pretty good. DJ is hard at work on our extensive hands-on preview which will post tomorrow. I thought I'd share a video of the E3 demo to get you all in the mood. Brace yourself. There's swearing and murder and boobs, oh my. 

by Tally Callahan 0
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Get upgraded to the Imperial Edition for free by pre-ordering Dragon Commander

Divinity: Dragon Commander to Upgrade Pre-orders to Collector's Edition

With just a little over a month to release, Larian Studios has announced that they'll be upgrading all pre-orders of Divinity: Dragon Commander to Divinity: Dragon Commander - the Imperial Edition for free. The Imperial Edition is a special Collector's Edition for the game, featuring a skin, map, digital soundtrack, documentary, and beta access for Steam users.

by Christopher Metz 2
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I attack The Darkness! *rolls dice*

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Co-Op Impressions

I feel like I stepped into an entirely new world apart from the chaotic Pandora. Technically this is true, since Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, the latest DLC for Borderlands 2,  takes place in a “Dungeons & Dragons” inspired fantasy game controlled and narrated by Tiny Tina. Anyone who’s encountered Tina before knows how insane she is, but all the more hilarious than practically anyone in the entire game.

by Christopher Metz 0
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The Incredibles definitely need a sequel after this.

Disney Infinity Playsets Are Touched Upon in New Dev Diary

Disney is one of those companies that know exactly how to craft a story with lots of memorable characters that live on forever in our hearts. Wanting to create a game that could make the player’s experiences their own, and with a few limitations as possible, they decided to use their beloved characters to “personalize” the way you play. The developers of Disney Infinity explain how each playset of characters brings tons of personalization to your experience of the game, allowing you to choose which of your favorite Disney movies to play with and interact with their worlds (from the films/TV shows)as closely as possible.

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