by D.J. Waaland 0
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In Soviet Russia, Company of Heroes plays you

Company of Heroes 2 Co-Op Review

Approaching World War II from a different perspective, Company of Heroes 2 tells the tale of the Soviet Union as they fought to turn the tide against the Wermacht. While the story is suspect, the core gameplay is extremely rewarding. There is a great deal of content present, with a lengthy campaign, a war theatre, and a competitive online community. Virtually everything you do counts towards your overall level, with unlockable rewards being given along the way. Co-op is also quite rewarding.

by John Bardinelli 0
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I think I'm starting to know why we are to explore the dungeon.

Box Art Revealed for 3DS and Wii U Versions of New Adventure Time Game

Box art time! Looks like D3 Publisher decided to squeeze out a few pieces of box art for the upcoming WayForward action game Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!. Strangely, we could only locate the Wii U and 3DS boxes, which can only mean the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 boxes will be a bunch of dumb scribbles with "Adventure Time" written in Comic Sans. At least, that's what our sources* tell us.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Consider this your training video on how to play the game in co-op.

Watch the Next Episode of PAYDAY 2's Official Web Series Here

Welcome back to another episode in PAYDAY 2’s ongoing web series! This week, we look at how the team escapes the bank with swarms of SWAT team members on their asses. Having been pinned down in the vault and with multiple hostages in their possession, it will take every member of the team to get out alive with the loot intact.

by Christopher Metz 3
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Yep, this is happening.

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Brings New Meaning to 'Dream Team'

As soon as we saw the trailer for Namco Bandai’s newly announced title, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, we realized we could possibly have a real gem of a game here, as far as Dragon Ball Z franchise goes. We asked ourselves: where could they possibly take the Dragon Ball Z games after making practically every character in the series playable? Well, how about mixing and matching them together to form super squads and fight as one?

by Locke Vincent 1

E3 2013 - Co-Optimus Wrap Up Video

This year E3 felt like a blur, so luckily we captured it on film for everyone to enjoy and remember. Take a quick glimpse of what the show is like in this video from the Co-Opticrew that was in Los Angeles. 

by Andrew Gaskill 4

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 6.24.2013

Hope you enjoyed your weekend super moon and the first day of summer! This week we have real time strategy, card combat, and not a whole heck of a lot else. I might take that Deadpool game for a spin. I've heard... things. If you like frozen warfare and tapping mana, this is your week to shine!

by Sam Tyler 3
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Please place your papers at the front

Flip, Reverse it, Obscure 2013 now called Final Exam

Bringing back a long forgotten franchise is a wonderful idea, unless the new game looks nothing like the original.  This was the case with Obscure 2013 that was as similar to the moody original as chalk is to cheese in a can.  Mighty Rocket Studios have decided to sever the more obvious links with the original game and have renamed their 4 player co-op game Final Exam.

by Mike Katsufrakis 9
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Roll for Initiative (and phat loot)

E3 2013 - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Hands-On Impressions

If nothing else, the DLC for Borderlands 2 has been uneven in quality. After a strong start with Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, the next two installments, Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage & Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt didn't click with us quite as much. Fortunately, after putting about a half hour into the upcoming Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, it seems like Gearbox may be delivering the best expansion to the Borderlands world yet.

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